Chapter 1

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Isla Nublar.

A large, isolated preserve 120 miles off the coast of Costa Rica.

Leased to John Hammond's company InGen decades ago and the planned home to the very first Jurassic Park.

That had failed spectacularly.

Several times.

Now, twenty-two years later and with millions of dollars at his disposal, Simon Masrani, CEO and owner of Masrani Global, had rebuilt Hammond's dream.

Jurassic World.

It wasn't just a tourist attraction. No, the goal had been to combine a biological preserve, a safari, a zoo, and a theme park. It was a luxury resort with hotels, restaurants, nightlife and a golf course. It was a research station where scientist from all over the world came to, studying dinosaurs from all eras.

A futuristic vision. A money machine.

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"So, who got eaten?"

He chuckled at the remark. "It never gets old. Good morning, Professor Grant."

Professor Alan Grant, world-renowned paleontologist, a man who filled university halls across the globe when he held a lecture, smiled.

"Alan. As often as I have to tell you, you'd think it should stick one day."

"One day," Owen agreed. "And everything's fine. Just another day."

"Working with velociraptors?"

"In a way. I'm still studying the same group."

Grant looked at him, face serious. "You can't still be thinking about actually training them."


"Triceratopes, stegosaurs, yes to almost all kinds of herbivores, but not predators."

"It can be done."

"Because someone trained a mosasaur to play dolphin for a bunch of tourists? Because you can get a t-rex to eat a goat every two hours? You can't compare a raptor to them, Owen."

"Why not?"

Grant sighed. "Where do I even start?"

It was an old argument, one that had been on-going ever since Owen Grady had had the nerve to write to the famous professor and ask for his opinion.

And ever since they had been in contact.

"I'm not talking about stepping into an enclosure full of grown raptors, an established pack, and challenge the alpha for her rank and power."

"You just want to raise baby raptors."



Owen didn't even react any more. It was so normal for Alan to try and get him to reconsider the idea.

Grant shook his head. "Owen, think about it."

"Constantly. Dr. Wu is, too. I'm in line for two eggs."


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