Chpater 38

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Alan was back four hours later, looking wind-blown and more than a little tired. Owen had heard the truck approach a mile away; Blue had been aware of it a lot longer.

"I got the sleeping bags, the tent, an emergency blanket for Delta, enough food and water to last us a day, Themming has been informed and is probably still cursing up a storm, and Claire told me to get you all back safely. She said she'd send Carter if you don't come back by tomorrow."

Alan looked a little bemused at that, tired eyes roaming over the assembled pack. Blue huffed a little, sharing Owen's amusement over the words. Grady got up from where he had been sitting with Delta, who had had her head in his lap and had dozed off.

"Thanks, Alan. I mean it. This was more than you should have done."

"She needs help. You need help. I'm not going to sit in the hotel and wait for daylight."

It was already getting more than a little dusky and they would be in the dark soon. Owen stretched, feeling his muscles protest, and helped Alan unload the pick-up. The tent would be set up in the ditch, next to the injured raptor. They would try to get her onto the pick-up tomorrow.

Owen set up battery-powered lights, pitched the tent with Alan's help, and unrolled the sleeping bags.

"Go. Hunt," he told the pack. "We'll be fine. We got canned ravioli." He grinned a little. "Yum."

Blue snorted a little, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. Owen reached up and rubbed over it. She had been there the whole time while Charlie and Echo had kept watch, patrolled the area, and chased off a monkey or two. She embraced him, warm and heavy against his mind, his trusted anchor and balance.

You need rest. Just sleep.

"Will do," he murmured. "Good hunt. Don't bring anything back home. I don't want to find a half-dead lizard in my sleeping bag."

She playfully bumped against his shoulder again, then straightened.

The adrenaline had worn off a while ago and Owen felt shaky and a little off balance, but he couldn't give in. He needed to be strong. He was the alpha.

You are strong. You don't have to prove it, Owen.

He gave her a smile. Blue hummed, then barked at the others to hunt for an evening snack.

Alan watched them go, shoulders sagging a little. "How is she?" he asked, nodding at Delta.

"Exhausted. I gave her another shot, checked the wounds, which look rather good, and fed her water. I found some nutrient paste and she ate that, too. Knowing raptor metabolism she should be up enough tomorrow to get onto the pick-up. It's a nasty flesh wound, but she didn't break anything and the cuts don't go deep enough to be dangerous."

"Infection is a possibility."

"I drowned the leg in antibiotics, gave her two shots to help, and raptors have a very strong immune system."

"Not when it comes to some strains of the human flu."

Owen scowled. Alan just shrugged and settled on his sleeping bag, looking older than his years.

"Damn, I didn't plan on something like this happening for my first raptor therapy session."

Owen laughed and sat down beside him. He felt as drained as Alan looked. "Yeah, I guess. But you know what they say: jump in with both feet."

Alan snorted inelegantly. "How about those ravioli now?"

"Got any beer to wash it down?"

"You're not getting any alcohol until we get that raptor of yours safely back home."

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