Chapter 37

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It came as a massive surprise, close to a shock, to find Alan on his doorstep five weeks later, backpack in hand, dressed in his habitual hat, scuffed hiking boots, a pair of jeans and a dark blue shirt.

"Good morning?" Owen greeted him, making it a question.

"You're off for another run today," Alan stated.

"Yeah. We're going to snoop around the old enclosures, check out a few areas I haven't been to all too often."

"Good." Alan nodded. "I'm coming along."

Owen's eyebrows climbed a little. "You are," he echoed, stating another fact.

Alan's expression was one of stubborn challenge.

"Well, you are," Grady shrugged, deciding to just accept his friend's decision. "We can take the jeep. Let me just get the girls ready. If you want coffee, there's still some in the thermos."

"No, I'm good."

Alan stayed back, watched Owen harness Echo and put the cameras on Delta and Charlie. Blue was glancing over to their guest, curious, quizzical.

He has found courage.

He's stubborn, Owen replied. And maybe it'll help.

We'll do our best.

He smiled and brushed his hand over her side, giving his thanks.

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Delta's scream echoed through the jungle and Owen's head, making him cry out in surprise almost simultaneously. All four had a connection to him, not just as a pack, as individuals, but aside from Blue, the others had never been that forward. It was the privilege of the pack beta.

Owen could hear them, could distinguish their voices in his head. They addressed him with respect as their alpha, but they never talked casually, like Blue did.

Delta's contact wasn't casual.

It was filled with pain and fear, shrieking through the connection and making Owen gasp with the intensity. It was unexpected, it was terrifying, and it was crippling.


Owen squeezed his eyes shut and panted, pushing back against Delta's almost overwhelming presence, her agony, her anger, her fear.

There was blood running down his leg. He was trapped and helpless, spikes of agony shooting across his body.

Blue was suddenly there, inserting herself between Delta and her alpha, creating a shield. She was a buffer, not cutting the bond, just controlling the input, and Owen drew a deep breath of relief.

His hands encountered warm, leathery skin and he briefly leaned against the strong body, felt the coiled strength, heard the deep rumble.

Delta! Owen called.

She screamed again.

Torn flesh, blood, pain. So much pain. Trappedfearangerterrorpain!

And he was off, following the cries, Blue at his side, Charlie and Echo barking from somewhere not too far away. They were calling, urgent and fearful.

Owen crashed through the underbrush, small branches slapping against his clothes and skin. He was dimly aware of Alan's calls, of him yelling something, but he couldn't take the time to answer.

This was urgent.

This was overwhelmingly urgent.

Then he was there, panting, eyes on his raptor. He felt anger and pain rise in him. Shared anger and pain.

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