Part 1

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Being single sucked.

Being mateless sucked even more most of the time.

But watching someone else become mates was the absolute worst.

I watched and listened as blonde hair, blue eyed, gorgeous goddess yelled across the courtyard "Mate!"

Then I watched tall, dark and handsome run to her and swing her around for what seemed like forever.

Everyone cheered and celebrated the new mates; while I sat on the white plastic seat and ate my carne asada fries. Typical.

I sighed and as the blonde gush over her new man as he ran his hands up and down her small frame. They looked perfect together.

I looked away, down to my food that seemed to say helplessly, "we will love you forever". I couldn't help but be jealous of what the new mates had.

They were meant to be. That was all a werewolf wanted, to find the person you were supposed to spend the rest of your eternal life with. They were made perfectly for you. It was evident in this case, Miss. Gorgeous blonde was 5 foot at most and a hundred-an-five pounds soaking wet. Mr. Handsome must have been six foot and built like a monster truck. She looked preppy and perfect he looked like a jock with no brain but lots of brute strength. I chuckled at the thought. They were a freaking match made in heaven.

I didn't want that kind of mate. If anything I wanted my carne asada fries and a nice long sip of my coke. My mate would be perfect, I didn't doubt that. He just wouldn't be air-headed, cocky, and overbearing.

I could take care of myself. I didn't need a mate. And I certainly didn't want one like that. A twinge in my heart couldn't help but be noticed as I watched them leave hand in hand out of the courtyard.

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