Part 2

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I wrapped up the last few pieces of my fries and stood from my seat. People had started to mill about again, going to their cars, getting food, shopping. I threw away the remains and started my trek back to my car.

I worked at the bakery in the courtyard. The courtyard was exclusively for werewolves, it held specialty stores for nutrition regiments, gyms and specialty food. I wrapped up most of my shifts around 3:30pm after the mad rush of people who wanted bread and goodies.

I would grab lunch at one of the food trucks on the west end of the courtyard. My personal favorite was Rexy's, a whole sum Mexican food truck that specialized in carne asada fries and tacos.

I knew Rexy personally though, he was a middle aged Mexican man with to much facial hair and not enough deodorant but could make a taco like no one else's business. He worked closely with my father as a lead warrior when he wasn't at the food truck. He was a good man.

As I passed by Rexy's, I stopped and waved goodbye. I got a friendly smile in return before he went back to cooking. His truck was positioned in the shade under one of the surrounding oak tree's, there was four of them in an arch around the food trucks. Giving shade to its guests. I repositioned my bag on my shoulder before tucking my hair around my ear and continuing on.

I kept my chin high as I got closer to the parking lot, taking in what was around me. There were tree's everywhere, but you could detect movement easily. I stepped off the sidewalk as I spotted my black truck about three rows down.

I heard a loud series honks a couple yards behind me, I turned to look at the noise and saw Dean and Molly in their silver Porsche hauling ass towards me. I quickly jumped out of the way as they whipped into a corner parking spot that was close to me. Jerk.

"Hey babe. Ready to go?" Dean said with a wink. His brown eyes glistened mischievously as Molly whacked him with the back of her hand, he pretended it hurt while kissing her hand softly.

I rolled my eyes. Dean and Molly have been mates for almost two years now. I met them both independently at the beginning Senior year of highschool and introduced them to each other towards the end. They have been irrespirable ever since.

"Oh shut it Dean. Hey Alice! Wanna go out to the pack party tonight with me and Dean?" Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. Molly loved parties, a lot.

She was smart about them though for the most part. She would drink but not get drunk, dance but not get out of control. She just went to have fun.

"Nah. I have a five page essay due in two days that my lazy ass hasn't even thought about starting." I said annoyed. I wasn't a party girl, never have been, and would have said no normally but the essay was a fantastic excuse.

"I wasn't asking you really," she paused and sassily put her finger on her chin "I was more telling you." She winked. I rolled my eyes at her brattiness.

"Molls seriously, I can't." I sighed. "Literally all five pages are due on Monday at 8am and I have non of it done."

She gave me a hard look then pointed at me, " you listen here missy. Your sweet little ass will be ready to go by eight o'clock tonight when we pick you up. Ok? Ok. Perfect. See you then doll-face!" She waved her fingers at me as I shook my head. Before I could fight back though Dean had ripped out of the parking space and was down the road. 

Damn it.

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