Part 3

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I huffed and came up with every possible reason punching her was completely ok, as I crossed over the two rows to my truck.

Stupid freaking party.

I didn't hate them, I just didn't like them. There was always to many un-mated, horny, high school boys and they would try entirely to hard to get the attention of anything that didn't have a penis on it.

Stupid freaking Molly.

Last time I went to a party with Molly, she ended up meeting Dean and ditching me to go "complete the mating process". Which is code for hot, wild, passionate sex. All while I was stuck with some freshmen who couldn't stop groping himself.

I huffed as I turned the ignition and frustratedly turned the radio up. Demi Lavato's Stars blasted through my speakers as I ripped out of the parking lot towards the pack house. It would only take about 10 minutes to get to the house at the speed I was going.

I had about five hours before Molly and Dean picked me up. I needed at least two of those to be getting the flour and sugar off me and getting ready. And one of them to be with my wolf.

I could feel her presence in my mind as I thought about our run.
"Yes Amber?" I asked.
"Mate is close." Was all she said before fading back.

Well frick. I shook my head and turned up the music.

I didn't want a mate. I wasn't ready to be a mate. I wanted to be selfish still and live my life the way I wanted too! I had just become free from restrictions. My parents let me live without them constantly on me after I got out of high school and I was living it up at college.

No. I definitely did not want a mate. Not right now at least, not when the best years of my life are quickly approaching.

"Amber?" I prodded her for more details.
"I know what your going to ask, and no I don't know when. I can only feel the presence of our paired wolf" she said calmly.

I sighed. Amber and me got along well, unlike most wolf-human pairs. We understood the others needs and did our best to meet them, she knew that I didn't want to be tied down to matehood just yet. She would most likely respect that and pass it on to our paired wolf.

I guess only time would tell how the human part of our mating would turn out.

In the mean time though, I pulled up to the pack house. The sun had just passed the grey roofing, and it casted a warm glow over the long driveway. The cobble stone front was bouncing off the greenery just below it. The image never ceased to put me in awe for a moment.

I snapped out of it quickly and grabbed my purse. Jumping down from my truck I was greeted by some young wolves playing in the grass.

"Alice! Alice! Play baseball with us!" Yelled Alec, the son of George and Zeana. He was a good little kid, his father George was the third in command to the alpha. He was a strong, and fierce fighter. His mother was one of the head nurses for our hospital and was a kind hearted woman. Alec seemed to fallow in his mothers footsteps with wanting to care for people, other then fighting.

"I can't today guys! Maybe tomorrow." I called over to them waving and smiling. The group nodded then returned to their game.

Alright, here's the plan Alice. One hour of running with Amber, two hours of getting that stupid paper started, and two hours to get ready.

Alright. Go.

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