Floor 2

34 3 0

AN:if you read my other stories then you already know I am in a musical mood lightly because I play saxophone, know soprano recorder, am learning guitar, and sing in the choir. Call me a nerd but I like to call myself a musician. I am really captivated by SAO because I am part of the SAO generation (anyone who will be in there teens by 2020) also for those of you who haven't heard nerve gear is out in a few years. Any who onto my short story.

~Love the Author


I laid moodily in my bed in the town of beginnings. So far my only friend was Klein and not a single player had made it past the first floor. A lot of people have died so far due to the twist.

Sighing heavily I popped in my earbuds and closed my eyes. I was going to be meeting Klein at lunch so I had plenty time to be lazy.

Sitting up slightly, I pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and sat straight listening to my little tune.

Feeling the urge to sing, I smiled to myself when the familiar tempo picked up in the background. I hummed along to my jam.

I always admit

I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, my voice ringing through the room high and clear.

The ways of my cowardly past

I took a few shaky steps towards the mirror, my legs weak from sleep.

I can't help that and still lie

I finished the tread to the mirror still singing.

Always act afraid

I stood in front of the mirror and looked distastefully at my raven curls.

I'm oblivious and now it's back to haunt me

I wrapped my small hand around the cool plastic of the brush on the wardrobe.


I pulled it up to my waist where the tips of my hair reside.

Countless skies that I've painted

I ripped it through the ends of my hair and slowly worked my way up.


I kept brushing my hair in this fashion, making sure one spot was tangle free before heading to the next.

This is where my heart

I kept brushing slowly.

Finally doesn't fall apart.

Tears began to roll down from my eyes as I sang and brushed my inky curls.

Won't fall apart

My voice almost wavered but I caught myself.

Jumping high from my dreams

My hair was all brushed now, the curls slightly nullified.

I'll fly

Seeing That NotificationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora