Seeing that Notification Final

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AN:I got really attached to this short story a sickening cliche I know... So I am thinking about a sequel in ALO! I might even make it into a Klein x OC since he needs to settle down with someone and I would prefer if they were not of the friend group because they are all too young for him (22-24 in Aincrad and beginning of ALO 25 while Kirito is in GGO and ending of ALO) and Sorinia is 20-22 in Aincrad (2 years younger)

Please enjoy the final chapter of Seeing that Notification

~Love the Author


I took a deep breath before putting another 'x' on my calendar. Tears stung my green orbs as I did so. It had been two years. Two years since we had been pulled in this sickening voodoo game. We were all dolls that could be pulled apart at any second.

I swallowed the lump in my throat forcing my tears back with it. I walked back into my bedroom my much needed coffee in hand. I dressed manually in light wash skinny jeans and a band shirt with my cloak over. I put a small dagger in my pocket and headed back into my living room.

I checked my map noting my floor. I then took another deep breath and closed my eyes. I teleported to the 75th floor feeling myself warp through the game.

I let out a goofy umph as I fell on my butt. I opened my eyes only to see that I was in public. I hopped up quickly laughing awkwardly.

"Sorinia?" A voice called my name uncertainly. I turned around to see a girl with pigtails and a blue creature on her head.

"Silica!" I shouted happily tackling the girl in a hug. We both fell to the ground. I laughed as I sat up, "And how are you Pína?"

She squawked in reply as I tickled under her chin. I giggled at Pína and stood up helping Silica to her feet also. I adjusted my cloak, sidetracked.

"What brings you to this floor?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. I paused for a second. She probably already knew why I was here but wanted to taunt me.

"Oh just checking out the floor's goods," I lied not meeting her eyes. I could feel her accusing glare burning into me. "What about you?"

"The same reason as you even if you won't admit it. I am here to help clear this floor," she said harshly.

"Look, Silica I just want to get this wretched game over with! I am just a puppet in here! It has been two years and the strings are just growing taunt for us!" I said in a rush of air.

She smiled at me a small sad smile. Seeing such a young girl put on such a brave face made me want to cry. "I know how you feel Sorinia, but that doesn't mean you walk around like you are doing nothing and lie to your friends. Even angels don't get away with that," she said gently, making a joke on my nickname.

"I am fairly sure I am a walking legend by now. I have even heard a folk song or two about me,"I said, trying to lighten the mood. She snorted in reply.

"Well I have to go prepare for the battle !" She explained, turning her back to me and walking away. I watched her back as she went, worry building a knot in my stomach.

"Silica! Wait!" I called out to her. She turned back around to face me. I couldn't help but glance down guiltily. "I don't think you should fight."

She visibly stiffened, her usually cheery demeanor gone. "Why, Angel Artist?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you are too young. You are still only a little girl and I don't know what I would do if you got hurt I could of prevented it."

Seeing That NotificationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ