Chapter 1

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Emma's P.o.v   (Point of view)

I woke up to the worst noise ever, a noise I was dreading since 2 weeks ago. Beep,Beep,Beep my alarm clock went off repeating the annoying noise. "Ugh" I groaned and reached for my alarm clock. This was the worst thing to wake up, but I suppose its perfect for the beginning of the worst day.

Well that may be a over exaggeration, I wouldn't say its the worst day in my life. I've had many of those but the day is still young. There is always a chance that today will be different...

I laugh at myself for having such a silly thought. I'm not dreaming anymore, this is real life. Which means that nothing is going to change. Not even a wishing star could save me, trust me I've tried many times over the years. And nothing has happened. I guess the gods don't care about me, which is okay I guess.

That's my life, not much I can do to change it.

When I finally found it I smacked it roughly just wanting it to shut up.

It was pure silent and I wished more than anything that I could just close my eyes and go back to sleep. That this was all a dream and it wasn't real, if we are being completely honest I wish that was my life. That this thing people call a life was just a dream and I would just wake up and everything was perfect and fine. Sadly that's not how it works.

I need to get up or else ill be late and that's not something I could risk doing. You see I could skip but that would mean staying home and that's not an option, due to my home situation. Plus that would missing school work which yes I hate. I am a normal high school student after all. Except I'm a little different than the other kids. I actually want to get out of this lace and make something of myself. And in order to do that I have to get straight A's and get scholarships, which I plan on doing.

Debating with myself for another few seconds I came to the conclusion that I need to get up and start my terrible day. Even if I want to quit which I'm positive I will, I'm not a quitter.

Just as I was getting out of my bed my blankets caught my legs tripping me and sending me crashing to the cold wooden floor. "Ouch, why does this keep happening?" I ask myself really wondering why I keep tripping every morning. Its strange, almost twice a week I trip myself getting out of my bed. I'm telling you its a sign from the gods telling me to stay in bed. Not that the gods are really passing attention to my life.

As much as I want to listen to the unknown gods I know what will happen if I do stay in bed and I'm too smart for that. I slowly walk over to my bathroom door and switch on the light, making sure to put a hand over my face. The light is so bright I have to step back and let my eyes slowly adjust. I've made the mistake of not covering my eyes many times and its not good. I go blind for like 30 seconds and one time I even feel and hit my face on the sink. Which hurt, a lot.

I hate waking up, I'm definitely not a morning person. I am more of a night owl and that's fine with me, except in the mornings that's when I wish it was switched. I don't know how morning people do it. If you think about it our bodies were completely shut down and then you just wake up and are expected to function. Like excuse me can you give me a minute to remember my name? I'm not really a coffee person but if I was I would be chugging it every morning and I doubt it would help me much.

When my eyes finally adjust to the bright light I turn on the shower water putting it on hot. I don't know how people can take cold showers, even when I'm sweating the water is too cold and I put it back on hot. I guess I just find the hot water more relaxing which is nice when my life is so stressful. Before I get into the shower I make sure to turn on my speaker to play my music.

I swear music is one of the only reasons why I'm still going.

After my shower I brush my teeth while wrapping a towel around my body walking out of the bathroom and to my closet. I like clothes and dressing up as much as the next girl but not when it's a school day. If I did I know I would be bullied more and my clothes would be ruined so what's the point. I don't want to risk getting perfectly good clothes ruined by a few jerks who cant even spell their own names.

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