Chapter 30: Date Part 2

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Emma's P.O.V

We walked into the restraint. Right when the door opened I was completely shocked. This restraint was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It wasn't like so famous restraint. It was outside with big wood tables with big oak trees that had a million sparkling lights and candles. "Do you like it?" Luke whispered in my ear, "are you kidding! Its amazing!" I say a bit louder then I wanted. A few people look at me, but not with anger or annoyed. With happy eyes. Eveyone smiled at me and then turned around to what they were doing. I turned to Luke to see him already looking at me, while laughing a little. "Are you laughing at me?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. "I would never" he said in a shocking tone putting his hand over his heart.

We were interrupted by a waiter walking over. "Hello, Lady and Gentlemen. I'm Max I well be Your waiter tonight. Just follow me to your seat." He said happily looking at me. If I had to guess I would say he is around 40 or 50 "He seems really nice. He reminds me of my grandpa" I said chucking a little as Luke grabbed my hand leading me towards a table the waiter was already at. "Ya he was nice" He said with a smile. We took are seats. Me and Luke sat at a 2 people table, with me on one side and Luke in frount of me. "You look beautiful" he said looking me in the eye. I could feel my checks warming up. "Thanks" I said looking down trying go hid my blushing face. All the sudden Luke started to laugh. I looked up confused. Why was he laughing?

"What so funny? Oh my gosh is my makeup messed up. I told marija not to do so much" I said putting my hands on my face trying to feel for anything wrong. Even though I know that that was completely useless, since I can't see my face. "No, it's just, I think its kind of funny that after all this time I can still make you blush with a compliment" he said with a sweet smile. "Wait I'm confused. Do you like that you can make me blush or Do you think it's funny you can make me blush?" I asked a bit confused. Luke smiled. "I love that I can make you blush, because I love your blush. Because I love you." He said looking in my eyes. It was as if he was even looking into my soul. Wait did he just say he loves me? I think he did! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I screamed in my head. I mean I said I love you in the hostile, but this was different. Luke was saying it to me.

I could feel my lips move up into a big smile. Luke smiles to and looks down blushing. Aww I love it when he blushes. "Um, so the waiter should be here any minute." He said nervously.

Time skipped to the end of dinner.

"Wow, that was amazing" I said wiping my napkin over my mouth. "I know right, we are defnetly coming back here!" Luke said excitedly, with a big smile. "You ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah, we going home?" I asked a bit tried. He smiled big but didn't say anything. He stud up and put his hand out for me to take it. As much as I didn't like him avoiding my question I let it go because of how sweet he's being.

I grabbed his hand and stir up next to him. We walked out hand in hand and waited outside for the car. The black limo pulled up and Luke walked over to open the door for me. "Ladies first" Luke said sweetly. "Thank you" I said stepping into the limo. When Luke finally got in he just looked at me in awe. "What are you looking at?" I asked curiously. He shook his head no, while smiling. "Fred, can you drop us off in the second destination? " Luke asked what I'm guessing is The driver. "Were are we going? " I asked with a small smile. "Its a surprise" He said happily.

Time skipped to secret place

"We're here" Luke said exited. "Where is here?" I ask looking outside all I can see is what looks like a play ground. "Before we go outside here put these on" He hands me a big sweater and some black leggings. "Why?" Luke gets out of the car, but before he closes the door he says something. "Because it's cold outside" and with that he shuts the door.

I take a deep breath and and look around making shore no one is looking. I put the sweater over my dress and then put on the leggings. Then I slipped off my dress. Good thing it didn't have any straps. Once I was done I got out of the car and saw Luke standing there waiting for me. "You look nice in my sweater" Luke said cutely. I smiled. I love wearing sweaters, it makes me smell like him. I don't care if anyone thinks that's wired. "Ready?" He asks grabbing my hand. "For what?" I ask. We walk over to the swings. "Want me to push you?" Luke asks standing behind the swing. I didn't answer I just smiled ans walked over to seat down on the swing. It was quiet for a bit and then Luke slowly put on the swing and started to push me forward. The higher I went up the more I started to giggle like a school girl. When Luke stoped pushing he walked around to watch me swing. Me laughing and smiling made him smile. I always loved the swings. My mom used to take me to the park all the time. "Emma? " Luke asked once I stoped moving. "Yeah? " I asked looking up. He put his hand behind his neck nirvas. "What is it?" I asked getting a little worried. "Emma, I know I've only known you for 1 year, 6 day's, 10 hours and I don't really count the minutes or seconds. I've never really been good at math. But that's not the point the point is that I love you. I mean I'm in love with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I'm not every girls dream guy, but I love you so Emma well you marry me?"

By now I was crying but not because I am sad but because I'm so vary happy. Luke got down on one nee and took out a red ring box

"Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Yes"

                The End
Heyyyyy reader's.

Okay so you may have noticed I 're updated this so I could add something lol, I forgot to add 'the end' don't worry I'm making a sequel!

Hope you liked the chapter. Sorry if there are any miss spelled words anyway please vote and comment!

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