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Rey used the cloths to make two beds in the cockpit area of the AT-AT.

When she finally climbed out of the sideways doorway, Jase had prepared some portions for the two of them.

He handed her the food and she shoveled it into her mouth.

They slept in their new home that night.

It was warmer than the tent had been, despite the tendency the metal had to hold the cold.

Rey awoke before her brother. She made two portions, one for each, and left his next to the stove while she ate hers.

When she had finished eating her own food and he still wasn't up, she crawled through the door and shook him.

"Jase!" she hissed.

He rolled over sleepily and coughed once. "What?"

"Your breakfast is cold, and soon it'll get hot from the sun."

He rolled over again. "I'll just wait until then."

Rey rolled her eyes and ripped off his blanket, throwing it behind her. "Up," she commanded.

Jase sat up, leaning back on his hands. "Is that any way to treat your elder?"

"Oh, right, your elder-ness. So old, so wise," Rey said with fake reverence and a low bow.

She snatched the bundle of cloth that served as his pillow next and slid through the door. Jase let out a laugh, and came out shortly after, blanket in hand.

He chased her around the small room, finally wrapping her in the blanket.  She fell down, laughing.

Their fun was interrupted by Jase's coughing fit.

He held up a hand as he hacked.  Rey got some water and handed it to him.  He ducked his head in thanks and drank a huge gulp.

When he could speak again, he said, "Thanks, Rey.  I must have had a bit more sand stuck in my throat.  That should've been the last of it."

Rey nodded doubtfully and gave him his food.

"Cold!" Jase said, with mock anger.

"It's your own fault, old man," Rey said, and scurried out to the speeder before he could slug her.

He emerged shortly after, her staff in tow.

She reached for it.

"No, you don't. Not until you apologize."

Rey stuck out her tongue.

Jase climbed up onto the speeder and held the staff out of reach as she scrambled up. "At this rate, you may never get it back."

She almost fell off in her efforts to grab it.

Rey pouted, then said, "Fine, I'm sorry. Now give it here!"

He twisted to look back at her. "Sincerely."

She sighed. "I'm sorry, your highness. May I have it back."

Jase grinned and tucked it into the net towards the front. "You can have it when we get there."

Rey scowled at his back and they raced off towards the Star Destroyer.

As soon as it stopped, Rey hopped down and wrestled her staff from the net.

She ran off before Jase could take it again, turning only to stick out her tongue at him.

"How mature!" Jase yelled to her.

"Old man!" Rey fired back as she climbed up the side to tie the rope that would take them into the Star Destroyer.

She looked over the edge.  "Think you'll be able to get up her, old man?"

"I bet I can climb faster, little girl."

"We'll see about that next time."

Rey tied a secure knot, weaving the rope around itself a few times and cinching it tight so neither of them would slip during their ascent or descent.

Jase went first, so Rey could drop the bags down to him.

She followed the bags down and looked around.  He was nowhere to be seen.

"Jase?"  Her voice shook with fear.

Had Hirich and his gang attacked him?  But there would have been noise, right?  Jase wouldn't go down without a fight.

A cough came from behind a large piece of equipment and Jase stepped out.  He started laughing at her.

"Will you stop doing that!"

"You'd think that me doing that every day might make you catch up on the joke," Jase said, laughing.

Rey scowled at him and picked up a bag.

She reached up and switched on her light.

They scavenged until the light coming through the cracks was reddish with the setting sun.

As quickly as they could, they went back to the AT-AT for the night.  There was no use in going back to Niima Outpost.   Unkar Plutt would have already closed up his trading post, and it would be too cold to be out soon anyway.

They ate, and fell asleep for the second time in their new home.

ReyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora