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She blinked her eyes open.

Rey was sitting in a tent, arms held back by something long and round, mouth gagged. She looked down and saw that her wrists and ankles were bound by the scarlet cloth, twisted into a sort of rope. The thing restraining her arms was her staff.

No one was in the tent that she could see. She craned her neck backwards to check if there was anyone else.


Rey started opening and closing her mouth to work the gag down her face.  It fell loose around her neck.

By tying the staff behind her back, they had effectively made it almost impossible for her to reach the knots binding her feet.  She leaned forward, doubling over, and worked blindly at the knots, face in the sandy ground.

Rey came up for a breathe and caught a glance of Jorl. She held his gaze defiantly.

Jorl's hard face softened. "I'm sorry, Rey."

"I'm glad you've apologized, but I don't think I'll forgive you," she said shortly.

"Not just for this," he gestured to her awkwardly. "For your friend."

"What did you do to her?" Rey yelled.

He gestured for her to be quieter. "They're asleep, but I'm not sure for how much longer they will be. I tried to tell them not to, but they just wouldn't listen. I'm sorry, Rey."

She had her lips closed tight so she wouldn't make any more noise, but she cried silently.

Jorl took a tentative step towards her.  She pushed herself backwards as much as she could, and fell back, rolling onto her side.

The tears spilled over her cheeks and down into the sand.

"I'm going to get you back to Jase," Jorl said.

"You just want to find him, kill everyone I love," Rey shot, voice thick with emotion.

"I already know where you live," Jorl said, blushing slightly.  He shook his head.  "If I'd wanted to kill either of you, I would've.  And I wouldn't be trying to break you out of here."

Rey sighed and pushed herself up with an eyebrow. Her staff fell as she sat up.  She held out her hands and let him cut the ropes.  She untied her own feet and threw the cloth hanging around her neck to the side.

Jorl extended a hand and she ignored it, pulling herself to her feet.  She grabbed her head as the tent swung around her.

"Are you alright?" Jorl asked.

Rey nodded.  "Stood up too fast."

He waited for her to steady herself.  "Okay, let's get out of here.  Follow me."

He took her hand and she immediately jerked it out of his grasp.  Jorl, in an attempt to play it off, wiped his hand on his shirt, resulting only in an offended glare from Rey.

They crept out of the door of the tent and past the fire, where the men were sleeping.  Rey held her breath as one of Jorl's boots dislodged a small rock, sending it bouncing across the sand into a metal can.

Nobody moved.

They continued on.

Rey's speeder was where she had left it.  Everything that had been in the net was gone, but the mechanics were still in perfect condition.  Well, as perfect as they could be, considering the conditions of Jakku.

She climbed up and put out a hand for Jorl to follow.

He shook his head.  "I have to stay.  If I go, they'll realize that I'm the one who helped you escape, and they might kick me out, or worse.  I'll play dumb and say you knocked me out or something.  Good luck, and try to stay out of Hirich's way for a few weeks.  I can bring some portions if you need them."

"You won't get caught bringing rations up to the dunes?"

Jorl shrugged.  "I'm in charge of the food for the gang.  Nobody'll be the wiser."

"Thank you," Rey said.

She sped off into the darkness.  The cold wind bit through her thin sleeves as the speeder dipped up and down over the sand.

Finally, she reached the AT-AT.  A light was on inside.

She ran in.  Jase stood and wrapped her in a hug.  "You're alright!"

Rey nodded, still in his embrace.  She pushed back.  "Hirich's gang went after Freghad."

Jase's face fell.  "What?"

"Jase, they burned her tent, everything!"

"Is she okay?"

Rey shook her head.  The tears she had tried to stifle resurfaced.

Jase hugged her again.  "How did you escape?"

"Jorl helped me, and we need to stay out of the outpost for a while.  He'll bring us food."

Jase raised his eyebrows.  "You trust him?"

"More than I do Hirich when I'm walking around alone after he killed my friend, tied me up, and hoped I wouldn't escape."

"You wouldn't have to be alone."

"He hates you more," Rey pointed out.

Jase sat down.  Then he stood again with a heave.  "You need to go to bed."

She went reluctantly, but fell asleep as soon as she was laying in her bed.

Reyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें