Dreaming under a tree.

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Amy skipped, yes she skipped, along the corridors lookin gofr her next lesson. "MOLLIE!" she screamed suddenly seeing a blonde haired girl. Nope, there was two. They both turned around, grinning.

"She's not Mollie, I am!" one of the two girls grinned. Amy laughed.

"I'm so sorry, but you can't fool me!" the three of them began laughing together. And then the first bell went.

"Damn!" one of the blonde girls said.

"Oh, and Mollie. You have a fringe. Lucie does not." Amy said suddenly.

"Oh yeah... Blonde moment!" Mollie grinned. Amy laughed. She saw two more blonde girls. 

"OI!" she called. They both turned around. 



Amy grinned as she was now surrounded by blonde people.

"Argh! The blondeness... It kills me!" she joked. The five of them laughed, until some twerp came along. "Ugh." Amy groaned. The second bell rang through the school.

"Officially late!" Mollie sang happily.

"First lesson, too!" Lucie laughed. The three of us made out way to our lesson, me Lucie and Mollie.


Finnally, it was after school, and I was laughing under a tree with Lucie and Mollie. I had my nose in a book, Harry Potter if you're wondering, and I didn't intend on getting it out.

"Oh, come on! Not this again! I'd be surprised if you run around with a wand and a tie!" Lucie groaned. I grinned. I ran up to a boy from our school and asked for his tie. He gave it to me, and I put it on. I also reached in my bag and found my wand... Yes, the one from Universal Studios.

"I did not pack that..." I said in disbelief. Lucie and Mollie snorted.

"RICTUMSEMPRA!" I shouted, and pretended to be shocked when they carried on giggling. "Ohmigod! It worked, the tickling jinx worked!" I held my wand up as if it were some sort of God. I then put it away, and chucked the tie back to the boy. I then found my page and began reading. I was reading from the start again. The whole Three broomsticks part, anyway. I hated The Dursley's. Lucie and Molie came over to see what I was grinning at.

"Obviously, it's Fred-" Mollie said

"And George!" Lucie finished.

"Hay! I told ye not teh say Fred, aye!" I said in the strangest accent ever.

"Sorry, Freddie!"

"No, she's Amelia!"

"NO I'M SIRIUS!" I shouted. As I said this, a gust of wind sliced through the warm air. "What the French?" I mutterd, pulling on my blazer. Then I couldn't see anything except Lucie and Mollie's confused faces. 

"We seem to be in a snowstorm..." I said, trying to sound like a weather reporter. "In SEPTEMBER?" I bellowed. I felt a strange feeling, I yelped and grabbed Lucie and Mollie. We spun on the spot and the park was fading away. We were spinning. I tried to tell them something funny about Apperating, but my voice didn't come out. My feet touched solid ground at last, and I screamed. Me, Lucie and Mollie got up. We looked around, and my jaw dropped. "I must be dreaming..." I said quietly.

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