Where are we?

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"I must be dreaming." I said quietly. "Isn't real!" Next to me, Lucie and Mollie were slightly puzzled. Then Mollie squealed, causing several people to look at us.

I blinked. "I have a really strange feeling about this..." I mumbled. Mollie helped her sister up. 

"Me too." they both said. "Where are we?" Amy looked around. 

"I think," I said with a half excited, half grim expression "We're at Hogwarts!"

"But... That's not possible, I mean we were at the park... And now..." Lucie whimperd. I looked around.

"Either I have brought you two into my dream, or we are acctually in Hogwarts!" I said dreamily. "Pinch!" I orderd, and we yelped as we pinched each other. I saw a squashed faced cat slink past me. "I think we have landed in Harry Potter's third ear at Hogwarts." I yelped.

"Oh, there you are!" someone said. McGonagol.

"Professor?" I yelped.

"Yes, and you will miss the Sorting if you aren't careful! We have ten minutes!" she said sternly. She then turned on her heel and chased some red-headed boys away from the lake. Soemone poked me. I struck a ninja pose. I came face to face with...

"Harry Potter." he said sticking out his hand. My eyes widened. Lucie and Mollie fell into fits. Harry grinned. I took his hand. "You're new here, right?" he said. I nodded, the words stuck in my throat. He raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled slightly, then a cry caught my attention.

"AMY! Look! Look who it IS!" Mollie yelled.

"Alright, bloody hell! What's all th-" I stopped halfway in my sentence, and my jaw dropped. harry laughed.

"You know them?" he laughed. I shook my head. "Oh, well they are-"

"Fred and George Weasley, twins and Ron's older brother's. I might know a bit about them?" I mumbled when Harry looked amused.

"Just a bit." he laughed. "I'll see you later, I guess. Bye!"

"Bye..." I mutterd

"Oh my God!" Mollie gasped. "Amy has a crush!"




"Do." an unfarmiliar voice said. I turned round, and almost screamed again. "So... Who's Amy,a nd who does she have a crush on?" Fred Weasley was staring at me. 

"She's Amy," Lucie said, as Mollie was in fits again. "And she has a crush on y-" I put my hand over her mouth before she said anymore. I smiled, in a innocent way. Lucie and Mollie where getting odd looks from Fred and George. The four of them stood facing eachother. I was almost laughing. George was opposite Mollie, Fred opposite Lucie. 

"You're twins!" Fred exclaimed suddenly.

"Well dont, Einstein!" Lucie said. Me and Mollie facepalmed.

"Who's Einstein?" George said, puzzled. 

"I don't know." I said. "Some Muggle, I think. I'm Amy, by the way." I stuck out my hand, and Fred and George took it at the same time. I rolled my eyes. They laughed, and ruffled my hair.

"Really?" I said, sorting it out.

"Amy, the Sorting!" Mollie said, suddenly, grabbing me and running. Lucie was close behind. The three of us got Sorted first, as we were Third Years. I was first. I slwoly walked up, and sat on the three-legged stool.

"Hmm, knows her stuff this one. Although I sense a bad streak, a temper. Slytherin could lead you to greatness, Ravenclaw would help you succeed, but i'm thinking we have a new GRYFINDOR!"

I almost melted with relief that I wasn't Slytherin. I caught an odd look from someone I knew as Draco Malfoy. I sat next to Fred (much to my happinedd) and waited for Lucie and Mollie to be Sorted. They became Gryfindors too, and we hugged, as we squeezed up on the bench. I got into deep discussion with Hermione about how stupid Fred and George were, whilst they chatted to Lucie and Mollie. I laughed my head off when the Gryfindor ghost popped up, whilst Ron dropped his food. Me and Mollie were in fits of laughter at a joke Fred had just told us, whilst Lucie tried to figure it out. 

All too soon, I was following Hermione into the dormitories. I was going to ask Lucie and Mollie something, but I fell asleep right away.

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