Defence Against the Dark Arts.

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When I woke up, I found myself in a bed with red and gold hangings around it. I was puzzled as I was sure my bedroom was green, (Yes. Green.) not red. I suddenly remeberd... I was at Hogwarts. I kinda screamed quietly causing Hermione, Parvarti, Lavender, Lucie and Mollie to all wake up shooting me evil glances. They all got up and they were soon discussing Sirius Black. I glanced at Lucie and Mollie and we huddled on my bed.

"They all think he's a criminal!" I hissed.

"Well, to them he is! Even when you first read the book, you thought he was." Mollie pointed out.

"True. True. Well, I guess we should get dressed." I mutterd, shoving them out of my bed. Soon we were all in our robes, and walking into the Great Hall. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yep?" I said turning round. Malfoy beckoned me away from the crowd. Lucie and Mollie said they'd save me a seat.

"Who're you?" Malfoy asked.


"I'm-" he began.

"Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy who-" I dropped my voice. "Are Death Eaters but they do not serve Voldemort loyaly, when a battle strikes in you last year they will wait hoping for you to be alive and try to reason with Voldemort." I finished quietly. Malfoy gaped at me.

"How the Hell do you know all that?!" he gasped. I shrugged.

"I don't know, I just-" but someone cut across me.

"Amy, may I have a word with you in my office." Dumbledore said calmly. I nodded and told Malfoy I'd see him later.

We walked to the familiar gargoyle outside his office.

"Sit." he said pointing to a chair. I sat. "Now, how did you know those things about Mr Malfoy?" he asked. I explained about the books, and how Hogwarts was a fictional wordl until yesterday. Dumbledore smiled and forbid me to tell anybody else about future events except Lucie and Mollie.

"Oh, and your first lesson is Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin. Have a good day!" he waved me out and directed me towards the classroom. I ran there as I was already slightly late. I ran straight into Malfoy.

"Oof!" I exclaimed.

"Ow. Oh, I've just been sent to look for you." he said. We walked back to the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late Professor, I was with Professor Dumbledore." I gabbled. Lupin was smiling.

"That's quite alright. Take a seat next to... Mr Potter." he said looking around the room. "Oh, nevermind sitting. Today is a practical lesson!" he beamed. Everyone exchanged happy glances. I rolled my eyes at Mollie who winked. She grabbed Lucie's hand and skipped after Lupin. Ron and Hermione were still being twats over Crookshanks. I stood next to Harry.

"Shall we go?" I asked. Malfoy was staring at me. Harry laughed.

"You've got an admire already." he laughed and pointed at Malfoy who was pink in the face.

"Nah, he just knows a few things that happen at some point in his last year. I told him." I shrugged, skipping into the Staff Room. I zoned out during the Boggart speech having memorised it. I suddenly remeber something really important.

"Proffesor!" I shouted at the same time as Lucie and Mollie. Lupin looked amused.

"Yes?" he smiled.

"We don't err have wands.. " I said stupidly. Lupin chuckled and grabbed three wand boxes. One for me and one each for Lucie and Mollie. Everything was going fine and then Lupin asked me to fight the Boggart.

I stepped in front of it and it changed from a jack-in-the-box to a red haired woman lying dead on the floor. I stood staring at her and I felt some sort of pain in my chest. Tears stung my eyes and I had no idea why.

"RIDDIKULUS!" I roared. The red haired lady became a red teddy bear. I turned and shakily walked to the back of the line. Harry went forwards his Boggart was a Dementor, Lupin saved him bla bla bla. After that Lupin ended the lesson but me and Harry stayed. Our eyes glued to the wardrobe.

"Amy, who was that woman?" Harry whisperd.

"I don't know." I gulped truthfuly. Lupin gave me a sad look.

"That woman looked too familiar..." Harry croaked.

"Like your mother?" I whisperd. He nodded. "Mabye I feel bad about that?" I suggested. Harry nodded and walked off to Potions. Lupin put a hand on my shoulder as I turned to leave.

"Have you any idea who that woman was?" he asked quietly. I nodded.

"Lily Potter?" I whisperd.

"How did you know?" Lupin murmerd.

"I just guessed from the way Harry looked on the verge of tears at the sight of her. I'm sorry, I have Potions." I whisperd running out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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