Connor Imagine Part 3

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I looked round the room once more before standing up and walking over to Connor. He lifted his head and looked at me before coughing awkwardly. 
"Um y-you dont have to," he mumbled.
"Yes she does! Its a dare," interrupted Holly. I glared at her and she gave me a look to say 'get on with it.'  I looked back at Connor who was just staring back at me. I slowly leaned in and placed my lips on his. I expected it to feel weird since Connor was like a brother to me but honestly, sparks flew and i began to forget about the other people in the room. That is until i heard Holly shout, "ok guys time up."
I pulled away and i could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as everyone cheered.
"Umm im just going to get a drink," i mumbled before walking quickly to the kitchen area. I took a bottle of water out the fridge and took a huge gulp.
"Whats really up," Holly said from behind me, making me jump.
"Erm im thirsty and i dont want to dehydrate," i said with sass.
"Oh come on you cant fool me. You like Connor," she sassed back.
"Of course i like him he is my friend."
"No, i mean you like like him," she said as i choked on my water.
"No i do not! He is like my brother," i whisper yelled since the boys were only a short distance away from us.
"Look Megan. I know he was like your brother but i saw how you reacted after that kiss. The way you looked at him before running off. You seriously cant deny that you like him. Just admit it, i promise i wont tell anyone," said Holly.
I thought for a minute. She was right. I was starting to get feelings for Connor. This wasnt supposed to happen. I told myself not to fall in love with any of the boys. I wont be able to handle all the media and attention.
"Ok fine i do have feelings for him," i spilled before i could stop myself. Holly turned to go back to the boys but i grabbed her arm.
"Remember your promise," was all i said before letting her go and following her back to the rest of the group.
"So what you girlies talking about," said Tristan in a girly voice. He sure knows how to make people laugh.
"Just some girl talk thats all," holly replied glancing at me before sitting in the last available seat since james had now decided to stretch out on the sofa.
"Hols, where am i supposed to sit now," i whined.
"Im sure you can sit on someones lap for the last 15 minutes of the journey," she smirked. "What about Con," she added. Note to self, get revenge on Hols for saying that.
"Yeah i dont mind," chirped Con as he motioned for me to sit down. I glared at Holly once again as i slowly strolled over to Connor.
"He wont bite," laughed Brad.
"Well he might since its you," added James resulting in everyone erupting in laughter. Connor blushed bright red as i tried to hold back a giggle. I gently sat down and Con automatically wrapped his arms round my waist making me feel secure. I thought i was going to burst with butterflies as my stomach flipped and i could feel my heart beating faster. Why did i let this happen. He probably doesnt even like me back. Im just a friend to him. He will never see me as anything else.
My thoughts were interrupted as the bus came to a stop and the sound of screaming fans filled my ears. We all stood up and looked out the window only to see the front of the hotel lined with crazed fans. All i could think about was how pretty they were and that Connor would rather be with one of them instead of me.
"Megan, megs, megan." I snapped my had round to see Connor waiting for me.
"You coming?" he asked.
"Erm yeah. Im just a bit nervous about all those people," i admitted. I have never been a fan of big crowds but i guess i will need to get used to it.
"Dont worry, i'll keep you safe," reassured Con with a smile. I smiled back and held his outstretched hand as we stepped off the bus into the sea of screaming fans.

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