#4 Your First Kiss

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Brad - You and Brad had been going out for a while now but you had never actually kissed each other. You never told your friends this though cause they would make fun of you. You had invited Brad and the boys round to your house for a movie night. You were pretty good friends with the rest of the band so it wasn't awkward that you were dating Brad. They had all just got used to it.

The doorbell rang just as you had finished getting the snacks ready. Tristan, James and Connor all came in first, giving you a quick hug as they passed. Brad was last to come in and he cuddled you for a lot longer than the rest of the boys.

"Can we watch a horror movie," asked Connor.

"Sure," you replied trying not to show that you were actually terrified about watching horror movies.

"But you don't like horror movies," Brad whispered in your ear.

"Its fine. As long as i am next to you," you whispered back, making Brad blush.

Connor put on the movie and you sat down next to Brad. You started to get scared as the movie went on so you cuddled into Brad who put his arm around you protectively. You wrapped your arm round his stomach and laid your head on his chest and listened to his heart beat, helping you to ignore the scary movie that was playing in front of you.

The movie was almost finished and you and Brad looked round at the other boys who had fallen asleep. You turned back round to look at Brad who was already looking back at you. He slowly leaned in and kissed you softly on your lips. You didn't really know what to do so you just leaned back onto his chest when you heard Tristan wolf whistle behind you. He must have woken up when you and Brad kissed.

"Shut up," said Brad, throwing a pillow right at Tristan's face.

Connor - It was a sunny day so you and Connor decided to play football outside. He loved the fact that you loved playing football just as much as him. You were in goals and Connor kicked the ball straight at you. It hit you in the stomach but luckily not with a lot of force. You bent over holding your stomach and pretended it really hurt. Connor came running over to you. "Oh my gosh, i am so sorry. Are you alright. I didn't mean to hit you." Babbled Connor.

Before he could say anything else you stood up straight and kissed him on the lips. "All better," you said laughing.

"Im gonna getcha for that," shouted Connor, chasing you into the house.

James - You were in the middle of playing Fifa on the Xbox.

"GOOOAAALLLL," shouted James making it even. The next person to score won.

"Lets make this a bit more fun," said James with a cheeky grin on his face.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"Lets say the loser has to do a forfeit," said James.

"You're on. Whats the forfeit."

"Emmm....the person who loses has to.......kiss the other person," said James, still with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Fine. Lets get on with this then," you said confidently. After all you and James had been gong out for 3 months and you had never kissed so this was a good opportunity. As you were playing you could see the confidence drain from James' face as you kicked the ball into the bottom corner of the net.

"GOOOAAALLLL," you shouted, throwing your arms into the air. Without wasting any time James kissed you on the lips for a few seconds which felt like minutes, fireworks exploding in your stomach. When he pulled away you both looked at each other and smiled the biggest smiles ever.

Tristan - "Come hear you rascal," shouted Tristan. "Don't think you can steal the last chocolate bar and get away with it," he shouted, chasing you round the house. You never stopped until you came to the furthest away wall in the living room. You couldn't run any further and Tristan was blocking the doorway so you couldn't run out the room. He ran towards you and grabbed your waist before you could escape. He started tickling your stomach making you laugh and squeal. "Get off Tristan. Stop, I'm sorry. I will buy you more chocolate bars," you squealed.

"Sorry wont fix it," said Tristan smirking.

You kissed him right on his soft lips before saying, "do you forgive me now."

He nodded and said, "i hope you've learned your lesson Y/N."

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