The change in me

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 I used to be the friendly one

Maybe they never wanted me to come
I had friends but they were only some

Now here I am like before
Motivated and determined
That thirst I had for knowledge is more than anything now
Is that scary? maybe! but who cares? I'm proud of that anyways

I've been turned into the soft and kind one for a while
Always laughing and my face with a small smile
Friends were all what I cared, even walked for a mile

Now here I am like before
Just watch them being happy as I slowly part them away
Knowing the fact that I'll have to face it all alone
Showing the fun side around them but actually lots of stuff going in

I use to tell them about how I feel
Even if they weren't able to heal
I waited for them like for fish as a seal

Now here I am like before
Only my diary knows about my feelings and trust me it's better
well.. yeah! I talk to myself but only to make me understand
I still say they are important but success matter more

I used to be the one who tagged them all the time
We talked whether it was normal or a rhyme
I loved to make new friends all the time

Now here I am like before
I don't talk much to them unless they need me or they are sad
I see other people making friends and talking taking them away
But I just tell myself to forget it and my heart listens everytime

I tried to make them smile make them remember
I knew I'll always be a known member
I used to be with them in the same chamber

Now here I am like before
I still try to make them smile but remember? that was not needed
I don't know about that actually but doesn't matter
I try to stay away in my own little world where it's all how i want

I used to get sad cause of small things
It maybe silly things or dead beings
To cheer up I always wanted wings

Now here I am like before
Even if I'm sad I cheer my self up somehow
yeah that still is sad but I know how to deal with that
I build my very own wings for that now

Yes! here I am ! all over again!
full of motivation and determination
I can and will
whatever happens I won't give up
I'll try my hardest
I'll stand up each time I fall being stronger than before

That's why I live now
To make my life worth a count
I don't want it as a waste
I'll give it up for the world
for the nation
for humanity
for all..

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