I Met you when we were young..

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Let me tell you a story today

about my life, about the things I saw those days

When I was small, free, happy and a cheerful creature

I met a girl, a friend who didn't quiet match my feature

We talked, played, told stories to each other

We studied together making our friendship stronger

People never could just call for one without remembering the other


Things happened quickly, real quick.

I didn't know if it was a storm or a humanly stir 

All the pages of our story got torn one by one

and finally a time came when it became a forgotten history

I still see you around your new friends, smiling

and all the memories come rushing back making me smile

I remeber everything but then that reminds me...

How things change and how what we have today might not be with us tomorrow...

I'm sad cause nothing is same between us now..

but happy cause I ever knew you...

so what you forgot me?

So what I mean nothing to you now?

so what?

We are still good best friends in our memories cause they never change.

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