Old and lost friends

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I might see you everyday or I might not
Will that change what I've got?
May it be a big vase or a little pot

Once you enter my heart I close all doors to get out
you'll be remembered even if I'm just broken pieces of glass for you
I'll always care even if I'm used tissue for you
I'll always be ready to help even if I'm thrown waste for you

I may talk to you or I may not at all
I can see you even if you are not so tall
I wanna talk to you via text or a call...

But those bad memories return to the room in my brain
I try hard to push them away, to force them to go away
But they just can't leave, they steep and get up when I'm upset
I then just tell myself to "let it go" take a deep breath and smile

I feel like asking you if you are okay
But no word comes out when I try to say
I cry and make the excuse of mockingjay

I talk to myself about you.. about how happy you are
And that surely puts a smile on my face.. thanks for that
I just want to see you all happy let it be with me or without me
I'll find a way to make myself happy.. I'm sure of that

I feel like hugging you tight
But my past wasn't so bright
so I'll concentrate on my future right?

You can come to me whenever you want me.. I'll be there
Whether it's early morning or midnight.. I'll be there
Whether I'm busy or I'm free.. I'll be there
Whether I'm dead or I'm alive.. I'll be there

Always remember you have those memories
Which can sometimes be better than sceneries
So please do enjoy those tasty cherries

Who says I'm not with you or you aren't with me?
I have you, you have me.. in those good memories..
You'll have no complain there cause I was the person you liked in them
That might put a smile on your face as it does for me..

Just remember... no hard feelings..
Just be happy.. keep smiling
work hard.. achieve your goals
I'll be right here happy for you.. smiling for you

Let go off the past but keep the good memories...

They help... trust me..

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