Chapter Two

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"Hey! Stark," a man passed by Tony, calling his name in fondness, "You sly devil, how'd you get in here?"

"The back door was left open!" Tony called back. No reply came. The man was already moving on to the next person. Tony held a glass in his hand, staring at the champagne and sighing. He made his way to the balcony, looking for some air. Tony loved parties, he really did, but he wasn't feeling it, tonight. He'd come with the intention of tracking down Steve and getting him to talk to him, but he hadn't even caught scent of the man all night, let alone talk to him for an extended period of time.

"Evening, Mister Stark," Tony's head shot around to stare at the blonde in question, surprised.

"Rogers," Tony realed in his alarm, putting his public smile back in place, " What's a man like you doing out here? Don't you have a party to host?" 

"I was never one for parties," Steve answered, leaning against the railing beside him, "You, on the other hand, are a social butterfly, so why aren't you out and about?"

"Just not feeling it, tonight, Cap," Tony admitted.

"What?" Steve blinked, confused. Tony swallowed.


"Cap? You know, short for Captain?" Tony replied, "You've never had a spur of the moment nickname for someone?"

"Can't say I have," Steve chuckled. Tony silently sighed in relief.

"Well, that's why I'm better with the press, then," Tony explained, "You should try it sometime."

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, but I think I'll leave the nicknames to you," Steve laughed, "Honestly, I have all this stuff, right? But it just doesn't..."

"Doesn't what?" Tony pressed. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as he thought.

"Nevermind. It's stupid," Steve shook his head.

"I deal with stupid on a daily basis," Tony chuckled, "I highly doubt it's worse than that."

"Hmm," Steve rolled his eyes, laughing alongside him, "It's just. Even with this successful company and the benefits, I don't feel right. I should be out there... Doing something to help. I mean, I tried donating money and working charity events and such, but... The media just kind of turned me into a dancing monkey, I suppose."

"You know what I think?" Tony said.

"What would that be, Mister Stark?"

"You'd make an excellent soldier."

Steve laughed, "Is that because you want me in your division, Mister Stark? I'm flattered, really, but you might want to try a different approach. Take a gal for a drink first and such."

"Of course not," Tony rolled his eyes, "I mean, a proper soldier. Like, on the battlefield. See, me? I'm not soldier material, Cap. Never was, never will be, but you're different than me. A lot different. You'd be able to make it like that."

"You think so?" Steve considered, Tony nodding in confirmation, "Yeah, maybe... In another life, perhaps."

"Another life," Tony agreed, "Though, between us, I'd just be about the same."

"I couldn't imagine you as anything else," Steve stated, "I hate to leave you like this, but I do have a party to get back to. This has been a very insightful conversation. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Cap," Tony grinned, "We should do it, again, sometime. I may just take you up on that suggestion."

"What suggestion?" Steve blinked.

"Take you out for a drink," Tony smirked.

"Good evening, Mister Stark," Steve turned and then he was gone. Tony stayed out on the balcony for a bit, thinking that he looked strange in a fancy suit and tie instead of the spangly outfit of his dreams, but deep-down, he was the same man.

Just in a different life.

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