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---Asfia's POV---

I have a photo shoot today! Shoot!

I quickly got up getting a head rush, but I had to ignore it. I ran to get ready and left the house.

I was speeding so bad I thought I was going to get pulled over. But cops have this thing of when you are breaking the law they don't see you, but when you are going 5 over the speed limit it's a ticket.

I don't understand them.

I got to the hall and ran inside.

"Hello, I'm Asfia. I have a photoshoot today," I said to the receptionist.

She was looking at me like I'm crazy.

I mean who wouldn't. I was out of breath, my hair a mess and no makeup done.

"Uuummmmm. Okay, sure. Please have a seat,"she said.

I left and a few seconds later the photographer came out.

"Asfia,"he said.

Wait, that voice. I looked up and froze.

A/N---》HELLO WORLD ^_^ So, decided to do an Atif story since they're not many out there. Dedicated to Starzayn123 ^_^ Hope you all enjoy ^_^ Cover credit oyetannu_ihura :) Pic of the girl playing Asfia on top.

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