When I Get My Hands On Him...

23 1 0

I've realized that every time I promise to update, I always go wayyyyy too long without so much as an A/N. So from now on, I'm just gonna leave it. I'm graduating now and I'll be starting to work two jobs while going to college so Lord knows when I'll update anything. I'm sorry for the wait on this. And I apologize in advance for the wait on the next update.

Game Over?

When I Get My Hands On Him...

"Shin..." I grabbed his arm, tugging him towards the page I was looking at. "Look!"

My friend gasped. "Drowzee?!"

"We have to go find Marill and Azumarill!" That is, if Marill and Azumarill are still nearby...

Without a second thought, Shin and I rushed out of the guild in search of Marill and Azumarill.


While Riley knew that now was not the best time to point it out, he still couldn't help the frustrated, "I told you!" that tumbled from his mouth. Shin glared at him.

"Riley! Now is really not the time!" As soon as they had raced down the steps to the guild, Riley spotted Marill, worriedly pacing back and forth. Shin caught sight of him, too, they we both ran to him. "Marill!" The boy turned around, tears streaming down his face. Riley crouched down in front of him, taking hold of his shoulders gently.

"Marill, I know you're scared but I need you to be strong right. Wipe those tears." He waited patiently as Marill wiped his snotty face onto his sleeve. "Marill, I need you to tell me: where are Azurill and Drowzee?"

"A-after we lef-f-ft...we went loo-oking for our item together...b-but I got lost from M-M-Mister Drowzee and Azurill... I t-tried call-ling for them b-but they n-never...came back..."

The golden eyes teen crouched down, too. "Marill, where are they? We need to go find them."

"Th--this way!"


Mt. Bristle

Getting through this dungeon in a hurry was not easy by any means, even with the power band and bow. Shin and Riley kept running into fairly strong opponents and constantly had to refill their energy with the berries they found. But as the floors and rooms got smaller and smaller the farther up they went, Riley knew they were getting close.

On the way through the dungeon, Shin had found some pretty good items that would come in handy when they found Drowzee. But with every good stroke of luck, comes a bad one. They were running out of berries fast and now only had two Oran berries left.

"We need to save those for when we get to Drowzee," Riley told his partner. The Shinx nodded, peeking his head into the next room. No Pokemon, thankfully. He gave an excited whoop when he spotted the stairs.

"Alright! Let's go save Azurill!"

Shin ran to the stairs, Riley hot on his heels. The red eyed Pokemon felt a shiver go down his spine as they ascended. They couldn't screw this up.


Riley's PoV

I don't get why all these dumb Pokemon we've had to fight have had long ass monologues they want to get out. It's not like we're paying attention to what's being said. This is a brawl, not some stupid drama recital. Drowzee was droning on and on and on... And oh, Arceus it was killing me!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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