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Fingers beat on the wheel, matching a melody. The stereo was blaring pop tunes. One blue converse heel impatiently tapped against the ground. The girl waited on the driveway for the love of her life to come outside. Normally she would've turned the car off and gone to the door, but she could sense that something was off. The girl stopped abusing her poor steering wheel and let her hands mess with her necklace instead. The red paint was peeling off the cherry charm. She'd have to fix it later. Finally, the boy emerged from his home and sprinted over to the car. He got in the passenger seat and slammed the door.
"Drive." He said quickly leaving no room for argument. The girl threw the car into reverse and sped away from the boy's house. She didn't say a word but she did spare a few cautious glances at him.
"Is everything-" She started.
"No." The boy retorted without looking at her. He stared straight ahead with a pissed expression on his face. "Take a left."
"But that's the way to-"
"I know." The teen driver yanked the wheel to the left gracious that rush hour was long gone. She pulled into a giant parking lot. The girl ignored the lines and parked right in front of the door.
"Why are we here?" She asked him confusion written on her face. For the first time that day, the boy smiled.
"You'll see." The two emerged from the car and walked into a familiar building. The boy took the girl's hand and led her down wide tiled halls. He pulled her into a classroom with equations written on the walls. It was their math classroom, yet it was a Saturday and the school was empty. The boy gently pushed the girl towards her desk. She took the hint and sat down. The teenager raised an eyebrow at her mysterious boyfriend but he simply sat down in his own desk.
"This is where I first noticed you. Right here, first semester of sophomore year." He remembered with a grin. "We both were sitting here working on some fast math worksheet. We both finished at the same time and your hand shot straight in the air. You were so determined to get a sticker." The boy chuckled and looked at the female next to him. She blushed at the memory. "From that moment on, I knew you were incredibly smart and way out of my league."   The boy jumped up  from his desk. Offering his hand to the girl, he whisked her down the hall once more. The two ended up the auditorium. The young thespians automatically leaped onto the stage. The boy took a couple steps away from the girl and spun in a slow circle.
"And this, this is where I first asked you out. Play practice had just ended for the day. You had your nose in a script and it took me five minutes to build up the courage to tap your shoulder." The girl giggled and clasped her hands together.
"I remember that. When I looked at you, I could see the blood leave your face. I thought you were going to pass out." She replied as the boy nodded.
"I almost did. But then I stuttered and managed to ask you to homecoming. Then you turned redder than a tomato." He retorted. Before the female could form a response, the boy grabbed her hand and sprinted off stage.
"Where are we going?!" The girl shouted as she was tugged along.
"To our home away from home."  The boy said over his shoulder. The girl knew the next location immediately. The couple skidded to a stop as they entered the band room. The boy grabbed her wrists and pulled her close.
"I kissed you for the first time right here, in this exact spot." He wrapped his arms around her petite frame and continued. "We had just gotten back from a win with the marching band. Everyone was so excited that no one noticed when I got carried away. I remember you stepping away after a couple seconds with a grin. And without a word you went to go help unload." The girl hooked her fingers through his belt loops. She looked up at him clearly confused.
"But why are you telling me this now? Why today?" She asked standing on her toes. The boy's face fell and he rested his forehead against hers.
"I'm moving. Far away. My dad got transferred so we leave over winter break." Her knees became weak and she fell into the love of her life. The girl buried her face on his chest and sniffles a little. The boy hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.
"Hey it's okay. Just one semester and then we go to college together." He muttered. The girl shook her head and mumbled gibberish. "I bright you here to remind you of how much I love you. I love the way you wear those same blue shoes everyday and refuse to take crap from no one. I love the way you wear a bright pink beanie even though you're so quiet. I love that you wear the stupid cherry charm necklace that I won for you at the arcade. I love you. I'll miss you so much and promise me you'll keep in touch." The boy confessed as he squeezed her so tight that she almost couldn't breathe. She could hear his heart beat race.
The girl with the cherry charm necklace stood on her toes.
"I promise. I love you." Beanie Girl promised with a smile. The girl in the blue converses kissed the love of her life and knew they would be together for a long time.

The End

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