The Girl In Blue Converses 4

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The blue converses squeak down the hallway. Her fingers tap out a beat against her book in her hand. The ear-buds blast a mix from rock to classic jazz to her ears. She was in such a trance, she didn't even notice him. He came up behind her and stole one ear-bud.
"What are we listening to?" He asked plopping the ear-bud into his ear.
"Beatles, Ob La Di." She replied tapping her fingers to the melody. He nodded and took her music theory book from her.
"What are you-"
"Hang on. I didn't study." He flipped through the pages and landed on the right chapter.
"Minor the-"
"Sixth." She replied automatically.
"Okay smarty pants. What notes are-"
"1, 4, 5." The boy sighed and shut the book.
"I'm screwed." He said handing her the book.
"Yes you are." She smirked, leaning against the door frame of the classroom.
He put on hand above her shoulder and looked at her for a while.
"I can't convince you to give me the answers, can I?" He whispered. She smiled and shook her head.
"Sugar we're going down swinging." She sang quietly. He laughed and kissed her nose before disappearing into the band room. The girl waited a minute. Her fingers brushed her lips; she never got over the butterflies. Then she turned the corner to take the test.

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