Beanie Girl 5

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     "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do." The girl sang, cringing as the last note squeaked. The choir teacher grimaced.

     "Sorry Hun, you're gonna have to keep working on that scale." The girl nodded and watched as the choir teacher started to leave. That's when the boy entered. He smiled seeing Beanie Girl; then he noticed her frown.

    "What's wrong?" The boy asked as he made his way to the piano bench. The girl was about to answer but the choir teacher spoke first.

     "She needs help with her scales. Maybe you can help her." And with that the choir teacher left, an all-knowing smirk on her face. The girl in the pink beanie sighed and leaned her head on the piano.

"I'm hopeless." She said, grimacing as her forehead pressed against the keys. The boy sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You're not helpless. But you're going to have the piano in-printed into your forehead unless you stop." The girl in the pink beanie sat up and looked at the boy next to her. The boy smiled and placed one hand on the ivory keys. "Repeat after me." And then he sang the scale. It was beautiful. The girl tried to sound like him, but her voice cracked. She bit her lip and the boy ran a hand through his hair. "I have an idea."
"Lip sync?"
"No." The boy placed both hands on the piano and began to play. It was slow, smooth, and familiar.
"Is that-"
"Yep." The boy began to sing the girl's favorite song. The girl smiled and listened to the sweet melody. She joined in, having memorized every word. The two sang in harmony, their voices painting the scene; a girl who was broken and a hero who saved her from the rest of the world. As the song finished, the two slowly came out of their trance. The boy grinned at the girl in the pink beanie. "Told ya so." He stated as he got up from the piano. The boy kissed her on the cheek and left the choir room. The girl sat there in awe, lightly touching where the boy's lips brushed her cheek. Her fingers moved from her cheek to the piano once again. She positioned her hand to mimic the boy's. The girl slowly hit the keys, note by note, until she formed the melody line for the chorus. Then she sang. It was soft and faint but more beautiful than anything she'd sang before. Outside the choir door, the boy smiled from his hiding spot. 

"That's my girl." He muttered under his breath. The boy remained there for as long as the girl sang. 

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