*Chapter 11*

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We reach the stadium. Yeah the stadium. We're an hour early but there's still crowd. We go to our place after buying some drinks. We stand there and i keep seeing his face.He raises is eyes brows asking me what?

I shake my head. He waves his hand in front of my eye and i still keep look at him. He raises his hands in surrender thinking that he has done a mistake. The pepsi from his hand falls down spilling. "Woops!" he says. I laugh out. 

I look at his eyes. They're mysterious. He gives me that helpless expression and comes nearer. "Um, there's something on your forehead" he says. "Here?" i say rubbing my forehead with my hand. He takes a step forward, takes my face in his hands, and kisses me on my forehead. "I thought maybe it needed this" he whispers in my ears, his breath touching the hair tucked down behind my mirror which gives tickles. I look into his eyes which were less than an inch away from mine. I smile. 

"Maybe your chin missed this" i say and raise to my toes and kiss his cheek. He hugs me tight and hug him back. He breaks the hug suddenly, and starts walking in the other direction, his head tucked down. "Drew?" i mutter. He doesn't hear and continues to walk. "Drew?!!!" i scream at the top of my voice. He raises his hand signalling that he will be back. 

I cross my arms over my chest and see where he's going. He goes until a distance where he thinks i can't see him failing to realize the fact i still can see him. He goes and stands and wipes his eyes with his hands and then checks his phone and comes back walking. I still look at him with my curious and confused eyes. He comes to me, catches my hands in his, and whispers "I wish i knew you before..???" and ends it abruptly like a question. "Huh?" i say confused of his expression. "Never mind he says" and gives me a short kiss on my lips. 

The concert is about to start. I catch his upper hand and lean towards him while his hands are in his pockets. At once, the lights turn out. I startle and hold him closer. The music starts! I start jumping with my hands up, and Drew looks at me shocked as my hand which was tangled around his arm suddenly gives him a thud and raises up. We both jump high when the music goes high. We jump and jump and jump until our legs hurt. The music starts echoing my ears. 

They were many people moving and jumping around us when suddenly something hit my head at the same place i once got hurt. I feel dizzy and fall down. My eyes are still open, ears still echoing the bass beats. Drew leans down to lift me up but first catches the shirt of the person who did this. I call him and wave hand in disapproval. He takes me up in his arms, lifts me up and walks towards the exit. My legs hit many members while moving. He puts a protective arm over my head so that it doesn't get hurt more. My senses were still working when my eyes were continuously getting closed, my hair was falling onto my face which made it stick to my face but i was in no situation to even move my hands. 

He carefully puts me in the back seat and hurries to the driver's seat and the car starts. My eyes get closed and i'm no longer able to hear of feel anything. Maybe you call this state unconscious.

The next time i wake up is when i feel a bad pain  in my head. "Ahh!" i shout out. I'm on an hospitals bed with Drew next to me, with my hands in his. As soon as i shout the nurse headed towards me and makes me lean back on the bed again. Drew gets up and moves a little closer to the bed. "Water" i whisper but my voice was too fainter for him to hear. He comes nearer to my face, with his ear inches away from my mouth. "Water" i whisper again and cough. He gets the water, helps me sit up leaning against the wall, catches my chin with one hand and helps me drink water to the other.

Tears come into my eyes one of which falls onto his hand. He looks at the tear the immediately looks at my face with his glorious eyes. Another tear drops down my eyes and them i wipe them off. He hugs me and whispers in my hear " what's wrong darlin'?" with his hand rubbing my back. I hug him back. "My mom used to do that when i was 3,Just remembered her".

The nurse catches my hand and pulls me back slowly. Our hug ends there. She gives me some tablet to put it. I swallow it along with water. I put my hand on my head to put up my hair in a bun. There was bandage. "Drew, Whats the time?" i ask. "1 o clock" he replies. "I've been sleeping since 12 hours almost.!" i exclaim. "Today 13th dear". My mouth comes into the shape 'o'. Drew starts grinning. "Why are you laughing at it?" i ask. "stay here i'll get you something to eat" he says and gets up and leaves. I rest my head on the wall to which i leaned on until now. 

Drew comes back after about 10 minutes. He gets me sandwich along with a water bottle. "Sandwich?" i ask seeing his face with a uneasy look. "It's all you get here" he says handing me over the sandwich which was wrapped with a tissue. I smile and take it. I don't like sandwiches but my hunger puts all my likes and dislikes km's [kilometers] far. 

I start eating, bite by bite. Drew keeps looking at me, into my eyes and them my lips. "Did you have something?" i ask him since he looks a bit weaker. "That doesn't matter, have yours first". "No!" i say and hand him over the sandwich but he doesn't take it. "You don't eat it, i ain't eating it either" i demand. "Duh" he says and takes it and starts eating it. I smile, he smirks. 

The doctor calls him then. He goes and talks something to him,which i was unable to hear since they were too far away. Then he pays the doctor and comes and walks up to me. "Lets leave?" he says catching me with his hand around me. "What about this thing on my head?" i question showing him that bandage hanging around my head. "We'll deal with that in our place. This hospital isn't that equipped enough" he says. I try getting down along with some falls, and then after about 15 minutes we reach the car and i sit in the front seat with him beside me driving the car. 


Sorry, it's boring but the next chapters will actually get out the twists in this story . ;) 


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