First Base?

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Narrator: Gamzee and Tavros stood in line for a bit, exchanging bits of sentences, as they were both too flustered for full conversation. Tavros made it to the beginning.

"H-Hi, uh, I'll have a Grande Peppermint Mocha-" Tavros stuttered, Gamzee cut him off at the end of Mocha.

"Make that two Peppermint Mochas!" He said in mild excitement, causing Tavros to smile.

Tavros' POV: My gog, he's like an over sized toddler. It's so cute! We wait at the side of the line for them to hand us our drinks, we make more small talk about our interests and similar stuff to thay matter.

"Tavrus, and Gamzeh?" Of course they mispronounced our names

"bro, it's Tavros and Gamzee." His voice was so strong, I loved it. The worker apologized and we walked over to my original table. Instead of sitting across from me, he sat next to me. I was puzzled at his doings, but allowed it.

Gamzee's POV: My gog, I can't get over him.

"Hey, uhm. Tavbro, lean here for a sec." He looked puzzled for a second, but did what I said. I then wrapped my arms around him in an embrace. Gog, he was so warm. I loved the feel of his skin, I wanted to be his. He started to blush, I could see it.

"Uh, G-Gamzee..." he said in a small voice, was he creeped out?

"Yeah, bro?" I said, trying to keep a firm voice, but he could sense a small quiver in it. Instead of replying with words, he held onto my arm and held my hand, I couldn't help but get a little bit flustered.

"Your hands are, uh, cold..." Oh shit, did it make him uncomfortable? Meh, I don't mother fucking think so. This was enjoyable. Definetly enjoyable. I took a sip outta my cup and made a disgusting face, it definetly needed something.

"What's wrong, uh, Gamzee?" I pulled out my trusty faygo bottle and poured it all into that Peppermint mocha.

"Needs some mother fucking faygo." He giggled and faced me.

"Hey, gamzee... uh, do you... like me..?" I froze. I stammered and looked at his (beautiful) puzzled face. I felt my face go warm.

"aw shit, bro. You got me all up and mother fucking blushing..."

"So, is it a, uh, yes?"

"I don't mother fucking know, bro." I avoided almost all eye contact. He touched my warm cheek with his soft hand and tilted my face towards his.

"It's ok, Gamzee... I like you too..." he leaned in. Shit, what did I do?! I just went with it, I spedily leaned in and kissed him passionately. He shot back a little bit in suprise, but enjoyed it. We both did.

((So I am definetly gonna continue this, it's just really fun! I hope you guys will enjoy this, and it attracts more fans (I'm not doing it just for fans, it's for your guys' entertainment and my enjoyment). So have a good day, guys!))

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