Able and Cain

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Adam and Eve had two son,Able and Cain. Cain was first human born and Able was first human killed , Cain killed Able and repent afterwards . Nathan and Eliot grew up hearing the story form their grandmother . They were being told many times that one of them will kill other . which one it was undecided yet .They both test each others nerves , they both make things harder for each other . They were worst enemies yet a family . It was unending , nerve reckoning war since day one . 

Eliot opened his office door , he was not astonished to see Nathan there , rather he gave a very big smile . They had not met for two years , it had been a long long time . Nathan smiled back , they were happy to see each other , after all they were brothers . There were no hugs between them , no greetings .

''what are you doing here ?'' Eliot asked him straightaway .

'' you know ''

''no , i don't '' Eliot nodded his head swiftly 

''you cant spend my money over your beloved girlfriend ''

''ohh so you have a spy here , who is he? someone who works for me ?''

''may be , you know you trust wrong people always ''

''how you unlocked my building ?'' Eliot ignored his words '' how did you broke in ?''

''my building , and i don't have to break into something i own ''

''Get out of here '' Eliot opened the door for him , he got up and left the room . but went to record room instead . Eliot chased him there .He pushed him and he pushed him back instead but entered the room anyway . Eliot went to kitchen and brought the beer bottle . Nathan knew he was doing it on purpose , none was allowed to bring edibles to this room , it carried sensitive information about company . 

''I am not here to fight with you ''

''ohh yeahh''

'' but things can't go on like this , i am tired of your childish spending . i have decided to move all my audit team to London ''

''take it , i will stay here''

''stop this nonsense Eliot , you are not a kid anymore ''

hahah Eliot laughed 

'' i will double your pay ''

''oooh Mr. Rich ''

''Eliot ''

Eliot looked at him , he was thinking of something really agonizing , something that would made Nathan crazy but he could not .....for the moment . He knew where Nathan was standing . He was standing where he could do anything , would pay anything to make him move to London .He was thinking he would keep him under his control and he will be unable to create any more fuss . But he was so wrong . Eliot already knew how to bring him on his knees in London . it would just take two weeks maximum but its just he was unable to think of a price move .He smiled Nathan knew it was a smile of a devil , he knew it is going to cost him big .He snatched the bottle from him , he snatched it back but it fell down and broke . They both looked at each other .

''its your fault '' they both said at same time .They had some more meaningless arguments , some pushing ''

In an hour Nathan was so full of Eliot and Eliot like meaninglessness . He hold his collar and jerked it .

'' i am really sorry that you are not as successful as i am , but you will never be . you just can't . you just don't have what it takes .so learn to live with it .'' Nathan looked in his eyes and spit all the venom over his face  . Eliot could never won from him , he was bigger , smarter even their parents who loved Eliot more , trusted Nathan more .Eliot could never get over it , Nathan knew it .Nathan always played the responsible , calmer big brother and Eliot always pushed him to limits , he always broke his calmness , brought the wild back in him . His expressions changed but Nathan exit his office . 

Nathan saw same girl from glass doors , she was coming to office . She was lost somewhere .He saw same sad eyes . Everything flashed in his mind from last night . He opened the door before her ,looked away and left like a bolt . He knew she would see everything in his eyes . She would know how he looks at her and he was not here to mess with Eliot . Later that day he came to know her name . So she was Eliot's girlfriend . He would not blame Eliot for going crazy for the girl , she had something her , in her eyes . There was something strange about her . 

Nathan was moving around in the office , everyone thought it was some official tour .But he did not had much interest there . He wanted to see Eliot's reaction after he finds out that he has been drooling and gazing over hid girlfriend .Deep down he was praying for not being caught by that girl that night . His prayers were answered , she did not see him .it kind of amused him , a joke he could not share with anyone .

He saw the Liza in record room again , he tried to talk to her .

''what are you doing here ?''

it was a simple question but she got really puzzled . Her eyes became more wide . She looked at him like a little kitten hiding behind something . He looked away , he did not want to express even a streak of emotion or likeness . He wanted no mess with Eliot . Eliot pop up form somewhere in a second and finished their conversation right there , right then .

He went to see the house he bought Eliot few years ago . He knew he gave it some friend . He wanted to see that friend . He saw the same girl there . 

''Have they been dating since that long ?'' Nathan was amazed . Eliot is really serious about this girl then . She sensed his presence and started running .

''Damn girl , why is she so scared ?''

David came to Nathan's office to take all updates about Eliot 

''So ?''

''nothing ''

David exhaled a deep breath 

''What are you doing ?''he pointed toward his index finger , Nathan was playing with a hair , wrapping and wrapping it around his both index fingers .

''its a hair ''

''whose hair ?''

''a girl's ''

David grinned 

''my friend is in love ''


''Who is she ? ''

''Eliot's girlfriend ''

David jumped from his chair

''how can you do this to me ?''

''what ? to you ? ''Nathan was confused

''no , i mean .... i cant stand between you and Eliot always you mother used to stand between you two , both of you need to grow now  ''

''are you calling Lara ?''

''yes , and i will tell her how you are ruining everything ,she blames Eliot for everything  ''

''stop it , and give me that ''Nathan snatched his cellphone . David tried to snatch the hair from his hands but he could not then he gave up .

''Don't do that ''

''i am not going to do anything David , you know me '' , ''i just can't help it ,its love ''

''is he serious about her ?''

''seems so''

David left his office nodding his head .

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