Chapter 27

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Perries POV

I could feel the sweat dripping off of my face. I was in so much pain, that I had never been in in my whole life. We still didn't know exactly what was going on. All I knew was I was in pain, and this baby was causing it. 

"Hey Perrie.." I heard a light girly voice say, as she walked in the room. It was a tan and tall american girl. Her hair was a dark brown color and her eyes were covered by her glasses. She was obviously a nurse, telling by her scrubs and tennis shoes and the clip board in her hand. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? I feel pretty bad.. Are these contractions I'm feeling.. Or..." I cut off some as I felt another sharp pain in my stomach and I gently grabbed the area that was expierincing pain.

"Sort of.. Your going into false labor. The baby thinks its ready, but it really isn't ready. It's trying to come but it can't." She laughed some as I made a face at her. I didn't understand where she was getting at by this. "Its hard to explain, Ms. Edwards.."

I nodded slowly. "Well, what do I need to do?" I said softly and I looked down at my arms seeing all the IV's and needles coming in and out of it. I don't even remember them being in there. Weird.

"Well, we are going to let you go home.. But, your on bed rest. You don't need to do much activities or anything because the more you move, then it could end up inducing your labor." She looked at me and she marked something off on her clipboard. "Now, do you have anyone to take care of you?"

"Um, yeah.. Im engaged.. He should be able to do the trick." I laughed some. "Speaking of him i-"

"If your talking about a young man with the name Louis, then yes. He is in the waiting room right now. He's been here since youve gotten here." She looks at me.

My eyes couldn't help but tear up some. I don't know if it was just my hormones or the fact that Louis cared. He actually cared about me and loved me. It never has kicked in like this before, but it all just hit me at once and I let out a low mutter "Could you bring him in?"

She walked out as soon as she was in, and in a moment I saw the love of my life walk in the room. 

He was wearing a black shirt that had in white Leeds Festival. He was wearing maroon sweatpants, that didn't match with the shirt at all, and they hugged his waist snuggly. His V-line was definatly visble and it just made me want him, hospital or no hospital. I've missed Louis touch, and the way he held me after we had sex. Our breathing would be heavy and in in sync and he would hold me touch to him.

"Perrie!" He said my name and laughed some as I jumped startled. He must of been trying to get my attention while I was thinking those thoughts about him and I. 

"Sorry, Lou.. I was thinking.." I bit the side of my lip, hoping he wouldn't ask what about. 

"Thinking.." He laughed softlly and he slowly sat beside me. He let his hands trace my lips slowly and as he removed them from my lips I felt a burning sensation, causing me to lick them slowly. 

"Yes. Thinking.. About us. And before I got pregnant.. The beach.." When I said the beach he automatically knew what I was talking about and he looked down.

His cheeks turned a rosy red color and he immediatly changed the subject. "So what did the nurse say, babe?"

"She said I could go home.. I wen t into false labor, so now I'm on bed rest. You'll have to tend to me and stuff.." I said.

I felt Louis grab my hand and I looked up to see a smirk across his face. "I would love to treat you like a princess, Perrie. I mean you already are one, but to treat you like one would make me feel like an amazing Prince."

I couldnt help but smile at what he said. He thought of me as a princess. I was his princess. It wasn't Eleanor anymore. It was me.

And let me tell you this, I wouldn't ever want another prince.

Change Your Life (A Louis Tomlinson and Perrie Edwards Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now