Chapter 35

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Perries POV

Right when I finally thought all the screaming and fighting was over I woke up to it. Great.

I slowly pulled myself out of Harry's guest bed, and I automatically recoginzed the voice as Louis' voice. I didn't think it would be a good idea for me to go out there, just in case he didn't know I was staying here.. But if he didn't know that then why is he yelling at Harry?

I decided my best bet would be to lean against the door and eaves drop so I did. As I leaned against the door it gave me access to hear everything they were saying clearly.

"I can't believe you slept with her, Harry! Your suppose to be my best friend!" Louis screamed out at Harry, as something hit the ground and shattered.

"I didn't sleep with her! I mean.. I did.. but I didn't in the way you think! My clothes are still on right? She needed to be comforted after you cheated on her with Eleanor!" Harry yelled back at him. 

"You know what really happened though Harry! You should have told her since I couldn't! Your suppose to be my best friend and this is how you repay me.. sleeping with my fiance!"

"Last time I checked she dumped you.. Modest! told you y'all were done remember? Because you let other people run your life instead of you being happy. And I told you I didn't fucking sleep with Perrie!"

"Really? Because last time I checked you sleep with every one who has a vagina!"

The room went quiet and thats when I decied it was time for me to intervene. I stepped out of Harry's room catiously. "We didn't sleep together Louis! Stop assuming things! Harry had to comfort me after you were being a douche!"

"I was being the douche.. Right.. Everything is always my fault.. But Little Miss Perrie is just a perfect innocent angel, that doesn't do anything wrong? Perrie, take a look at yourself.. Your becoming just like Eleanor.." he said to me, and thats when I lost my temper.

"At least I'm not turning into Troy." I stated, referring to his father. His face turned beat red when i said that and I could tell he was getting mad. "Harry is being more of a father then you are, and he is barley around Valentina!"

"Perrie.. You just dont understand why. I wish I could tell you.." Louis said softly. But I was through with him trying to tell me all his reasons why he couldn't be a father. Why he had to get drunk. Why he had to cheat on me. Why he is treating me like shit. I'm tired of being the one listening.

"Just go Louis! You've done enough damage! Go." I said sternly.

However, he didn't move though. He just stood there. Like a jack ass would do.

"Fine, if you don't. I will.." I stomped into Harry's room with anger as I picked up Val and I heard footsteps behind me. Louis'.

"Perrie, you can't drive. your head is fogged up. Your not thinking clearly." Louis said.

"Then get out of here Louis! I don't want to see your face!"

"No, I'm not leaving because we need to talk Perr, seriously! Now stop acting like a whiny bitch, and actually listen to me!"

I bit the side of my lip softly as I picked up Val. "A whiny bitch , huh? Wonder were you got that one at.." I said dumbfoundly and I pushed past Louis.

I made my way outside and Val and I both got drenched with water, as the rain poured down on us. I've drove in the rain before, so i definatly wasn't going to let a little rain stop me.

I put her in her car seat and I turned around seeing Louis running after me. "Perrie wait!" He shouted.

I felt tears fill my eyes. "No! I'm done Louis! You said that I was a mmistake.. That your daughter was a mistake.. And then you thought that I would actually sleep with your best friend right after a fight? I can't.." I whispered softly , as I got into the pink bug.

The next shout I heard was from Harry "Perr, Please don't go.." He said, his voice a little hurt from my departure.

I slowly rolled down the window "I have to get away for a little while Haz.. I need to change my life.. Val and I dont deserve this.."

"Let me explain!" Louis shouted, but before I could even think about hearing him out I hit the gas pedel and peeled out of Harrys drive way.

I slowly started to turn the radio up and I heard that I had Take Me Home in my CD player. Not thinking about it really I turned it up louder and heard it was the familiar beat to They Don't Know About Us. 

The song Louis had wrote for me.

I felt the tears come before I could stop them. Between the tears and the rain pouring down it's hard to see things.. Its hard to see the road.. Or the stray dog that ran out in front of me. 

AGHH OHMYGOD. Thats all I have to say.. Now I'm going to take a year to update and leave you all in suspense mwahaha :3 .. Im just kidding I'll probably update in like an hour.. lol. Comment below and Ily(: But if y'all are having bad Lourrie feels.. Watch the video.. .Actually watch it anyways.. I love this video of Perrie and Louis ohmygod xxx

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