Job promotions and a Concussion

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I fell asleep. I’m pretty sure it was only for about 30 minutes, but it felt like a whole other day. I peeked open an eye when I heard my mom’s voice on the other side of my door.

“Come in.” I mumbled.

“Hi sweetie. I brought Liam. I need to talk to you guys about something.” I sat up and looked closely at my mom. She had in her hand a spoon heaping with chocolate frosting. The way she always does either when something’s really bad. Or really good. I prayed for the second option.

“What’s up, Mom?” Liam sat down next to me and I dropped my head on his shoulder. She took a deep breath.

“I got offered a promotion.” My mom sighed like it was a bad thing.

“That’s great!” I exclaimed. Wait…no, she was like the biggest person at the fancy hair salon she works at. What did she get offered?

“A promotion...In New York. 2 year contract. I leave tomorrow.” Liam and I were speechless.

“Y-you accepted it?” Okay so as much as it may seem I don’t like my mom, especially after her kicking Niall out, I was gonna miss her.

“Yeah, I did. I knew for a couple of weeks though. Every time I tried to tell you, something came up.” Liam nodded. I rolled my eyes at her in m head and then thought...I mentally ran though a list of things that could’ve prevented her from telling us.

A fight
Liam’s soccer
Another fight
Parent night
Our Dad visiting
Another fight

Okay fine, whatever.

“So, you’re leaving tomorrow?” I asked her, taking a deep breath.

“My flight leaves at 5. I need to be there at 3. At least you two will be back from school?” My mom phrased the last part as a question, as if she was trying to cheer us up.

“Wait, Liam won’t be 18 for another week. What if the police come by and find that out? He can’t take care of me like that.” I said, crossing my arms.

“That won’t happen.” Liam said. Was it me, or did he seem totally okay with her leaving?

“Fine, whatever! See if I care if you leave for two years with half a days' notice.” I threw my arms up in the air and then hid my face in them.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. It’ll be okay.” My mom rubbed my shoulder. I didn’t want her next to me. Or Liam. I wanted them to leave so I could cry. I swear I was PMS’ing. The Niall thing shouldn’t have upset me like it had. Either that or...I was starting to like him. I did like it when I kissed him, right? Ugh. How could my feelings for him flip-flop in 5 hours?

“I know it’s a lot to process. It was for me to. But that’s how things will be.”

“Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll take care of Amber really well.” Liam put his arm around me and gave my mom a reassuring smile.

“I know you will.” My mom hugged us goodbye and went off to pack.

“Urrrrrrg!” I growled into Liam’s shoulder.

“You like Niall, don’t you?” Liam asked.

“That’s the last thing I wanna hear Liam.” I said in a monotone.

“Fine fine. But, I’ve gotta warn you, Am. It’s not like it was 2 years ago. I was okay with you liking him then, but not now. He’s too dangerous. There’s no telling of what he’ll do in the next 10 minutes. Stay away from him. Like what Harry said. It’s okay for guys to hang around him, but not girls. He has a bad effect on them. And…just yeah.” Liam sighed and looked like it pained him to say what he would next. “Do you remember Sophie? Short blond cheerleader? I think she was a junior last year.” I nodded. She left abruptly in the middle of March last year and never returned. Liam exhaled and looked down. I pulled back from him and searched his brown eyes.

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