Our First Altercation

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Madison pov ~

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Madison pov ~

"Here we go. We got one more chance to make it. Better now loose control, before everyone forgets your name." my twin sister Ivy sings along with our Sleeping with Sirens CD. I roll my eyes, looking out my open window at the Arizona scenery. We were in the car, driving to the US Airway Center to debut on RAW tonight. After three years of being apart of the NXT Roster, we were finally getting our chance to make our own mark in the Main Roster. I feel like at this point in my life, I know the real meaning of 'hard work pays off.' However, at the moment my nervousness was canceling out my excitement and feeling of accomplishment. I was nervous because, everything that we do will be Live on TV! Performing down at NXT in front of a medium sized crowd is one thing, but we're talking about the whole entire world. The thought is very nerve racking to me, and the fact my sister is here, singing her lungs out like it's a normal day, is not making it any better. Not to mention the humid, hot Arizona air was making me antsy, plus my sweaty palms. "This will always be mine. So much more than just a dream to me and-"

I turn off the music interrupting my sister's singing. "What the hell, Madison?" she says frowning at me as we stop at a red light. "Can't you see your twin sister is going nuts over here? The least you can do is pay attention to me." My sister shakes her head, laughing and I sigh of frustration. "It's not funny, Ivy."

As you can see when it came to our career, when big things happen, I'm the one nervous and sacred and Ivy was the calm and collected one. She wasn't scared of anything or anyone. She never backed down from a challenge, and she never afraid to challenge anyone else. Part of why we were such a good team. Without her I wouldn't be here. My career without my sister is like getting left in the woods alone. I'd be so lost with out her. She keeps me grounded, gives me confidence, she is my biggest supporter, and my best friend. Another reason I was so nervous. Now that we're moving to the main roster I know that, we can't be The McKnight twins, forever.

 At some point, we're going to have to separate and work on our own individual careers. We've been wrestling together since the beginning and the thought of coming down that ramp alone, not having my sister outside that ring cheering me on, scares me. One thing I envied about my sister is her confidence and fearlessness. Over the years she's been able to give me some of her fearlessness but not enough. When I think of my sister she's like a Lita mixed with a Victoria. Lita because of her extremeness.

She liked to jump off of everything! Which she eventually had me doing too. At one point our co workers down at NXT were calling us 'the extremettes' She's like Victoria because, of her badass ways. If you got on her bad side, it was the worse thing you've ever done. She liked to play mind games too. She'd come for you when you least expect it, or even tell you she's coming for you and still kick your ass. Even though I could be the same way, I had a filter and knew how to control it. Ivy was like that everyday but she couldn't help it. My parents had us at a pretty young age and our father couldn't handle it so we group fatherless, watching our mother date guys that treated her like shit. We've seen our mother who is still alive by the way, go through a lot of things. Starting from abuse to a lot of divorces.

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