Chapter 2

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I entered the school, ready to face a new day. I walked up to my locker and put away my sweater. Hopefully the day wouldn't go by too slowly... Suddenly I felt someone's breath on the back of my neck and it sent a chill down my back...

"Hello beautiful"

I turned around and before I knew it I was in Will's arms, kissing him...


















I fell out of my bed screaming before turning off my alarm.

"What kind of a dream was that..."

I shivered at the thought of me kissing Will. Ewwww. I hated him. I quickly got ready for school and went downstairs for breakfast. Bree and mom were waiting at the table for me.

"So... Uh.. Who's house were you at yesterday?"

Breanna asked.

"Do you really need to know where I am 24/7?" I answered.

"Oh sweetie, your sister cares for you that's all." Mom added.

"I told you already I was at a friend's house. If you absolutely need to know, their names are Alexus and Kristeen, they're twins."

I grabbed a toast, kissed them both on the cheek and flew out the door. It was still a little early for me to go to school but I was meeting the twins so we could hangout before classes started. I took one step into the school, tripped on someone's foot and face planted. It wasn't an accident, I looked up at Will and his boys. Turns out, that new kid was the one who tripped me this time. I got up and angrily walked away as they laughed. They made me so mad, I wish I could confront them. Why was it only Tuesday morning? This meant another four days of enduring them before the weekend. Ugh.

"Hey Jocelyne!"

I saw the twins waiting for me at my locker and waved at them.

"Hi girls!"

"Ugh I hate Will and his group. We saw what happened."

Kristeen said.

"Yeah and it was that dark haired guy who was with Levi yesterday! He's the one who tripped you!"

Alexus added.

"Yeah I know, I saw. His name's Zac."

I said.

"How do you know that?"

Alexus asked.

"Levi told me yesterday."

"Did I hear my name?"

I turned around so quickly that I almost made Levi fall backwards, but he caught his balance.

"Oh... Uh... Levi... Hi. I was just telling them that you're the one who told me Zac's name."

"Oh yeah. Why were you talking about him?"

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