Prologue - "A Selfish Request"

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A jolt of energy, resembling that of an arrow is flying through the air; its target is Krystal, a blue furred anthropomorphic fox. A sword intercepts the arrow mid flight, slashing it and deflecting it away. Krystal sighs in relief and frowns at her savior, a young Elven swordsman donning a green tunic and cap.

"That was a little too close for comfort!" She barks. She looks around at the desert landscape in which was chosen as their battleground. In the distance she can see the Holy Grail; it was probably full from all the blood spilt for the wish it would soon grant. She frowns. "We can't afford to get careless now, Saber."

She raises her arm and looks down at her forearm, inwardly berating herself for being so careless. There are two ruby gems embedded on her forearm. They glow and one shatters leaving only the one remaining. She looks back up at her savior, and her savior rolls his eyes back at her. He is annoyed because he is a man that many have called the Hero of Time, and a man that was proud of his name, so he couldn't help but scoff at the sound of his servant name. Saber, he hated that name, but Krystal insisted on referring to him as only that. Even if he was meant to serve as her protector, he still saw himself as more than just a servant to a Princess.

"Again with the slave name, my name is Link, not saber!" He kicks the dirt. "I thought I meant more to you than that, Princess!" Link smirks mischievously. "Or perhaps you would prefer it if I call you something else, like a pet's name for instance..."

"Absolutely not. You will address me as royalty and call me Princess," she interrupts him, sticking up her nose.

"But I always wanted a dog named..."

"Don't. You. Dare. I won't hesitate to whack you on the head if you even think of calling me Fifi!"She barks.

Link looks at her staff, but doesn't let it concern him at all. "Fifi, now that's a good one!" He nods to her staff. "Did you fetch that shtick yourself, Princess?"

"Oh ho, clever, but I certainly won't be able to fetch it after I'm done with turning you into a shishkebab," she counters.

"Well excuse me for saving your hide, Princess!" He responds, making sure to linger on pronouncing the word excuse. "A little appreciation would be nice to hear every once in awhile."

He looks left and right at a small orb of light buzzing around his head. It makes him a little dizzy, but after shaking his head he regains his composure. He focuses on the ball of light and inside of it there is a fairy trying to provide instruction. Much to his displeasure, those instructions were being barked at him. "Hey!" She shouts. "Hey!" She screams. "Listen!" She hollers at the top of her lungs.

Link grabs her and she struggles in his grip. "What?" He yells back at her, causing her hair to stand up against the force of his breath hitting her. "What is it, Navi? What is it?"

Navi grabs his pointed ear and screams into it. "Look out!" She cries and points at the sky.

Link winces and looks up to see a divine light enveloping an army of winged angels looking down at him. All of the angels are covered in armor and they are armed to the teeth with bows, swords and spears of all different shapes and sizes. At the head of the pack there is a brown haired angel; his name is Pit. He flaps his wings and points down at Link with vengeance. He rallies together his platoon of angelic warriors with one short phrase, "All troops, move out!"

"What in Din's fire?" Link curses.

Link throws Navi to the side and she recovers in mid air, hovering safely out of harm's way. With Link's hand now free he raises his shield and charges at the army of angels descending down upon him. He raises his hook shot at one of the angels holding a bow and lets it fly. It lodges into his target's wing and its feathers fall freely as it thrashes about, struggling to free itself.

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