4.) The World's Village

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Oh, my goodness has there been quite a ride with this story! Like WTH! D:

I was pondering and wondering whether or not I should delete this or not because I wasn’t sure how to progress this story but seeing that some people were pressing me to go forward I have now decided that Romance between Prussia ‘et’ Hungary should be one of my top priorities! (Avec Comedy :3 )

Canada help him become a ladies man!!! *Ohonhonhonhonhonhon =>= *


The next morning Prussia’s eyes flickered open suddenly, he wasn’t sure what clicked but he sat up. Reaching over to check the clock his jaw dropped in shock, it was eight in the morning. He never got up at eight in the morning, noon at least!

His eyes lifted up at the blinds and he stared at them with a look of pure hatred. A little bit of light was peaking through them and was still, pointing towards the floor. The feeling of fury was prickling at his skin and then agonizing fear. He cautiously lifted up the covers of his bed and placed the tip of his toes on the wooden ground of his home.

He glanced around him, seeing if anybody was watching him, which didn’t make any sense because he lived alone. He stood up a little shakily and slowly made his way towards the blinds. He clenched his teeth and reached towards the dibbly-doo of the blinds daringly. He was about to pull it but something inside of him was restraining his will to pull. “Come on, Prussia. You’ve beaten up many other countries unt succeeded vith guns pointing at your face, zhe least you can do is zhis,” he encouraged himself and tugged at the blinds.

The white light poured into the room and shot into his eyes. He let out a scream and flipped over his bed in fear. The light then calmed itself, Prussia felt as if god was laughing at him. He sought sanctuary in the corner and cried to himself, “I vill never do zhat again, never again.” He rocked himself back and forth.

His ‘Feeling-Sorry-For-Himself’ moment was interrupted by knocking at his door. Prussia was puzzled, nobody ever dared to visit him, he had already got a sneaky suspicion of who it was and was especially angry that he came so early.

He scratched the back of his head and yawned, walking over to the door. He opened the door and immediately said, “Get out.” Canada mouth was open as if he was about to say something before but it quickly shut.

“I’m sorry for upsetting you, I know I came late but I wasn’t too sure what time you would be waking up. Now I know I’ll come even earlier,” he rambled on, staring into the sky at the blank, blue nothingness.

Prussia raised one eyebrow and muttered, “Who sinks zhat eight in zhe morning is late?”

The country opposite of him smiled and shyly answered, “Well, in my country we get up early to tend to the--.” Prussia raised his hand up and interrupted the country once again, “Listen, I don’t care. You came too early. You should at least come around in the afternoon.”

Canada was now confused as he stroked Kumajirou’s fur lightly. “Afternoon?” he murmured to himself and then widened his eyes, protesting, “No, but then the day will already have been wasted away!”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I, zhe awesome, aesthetic, amazing Prussia, invented time and I say zhat it is not too late!” he retorted and was about to slam the door. Noticing that the other country was too flustered to say anything he flung the door closed and noticed that it just bounced right back and hit him in the side of the face.

He stumbled back, looking at the door. Canada stuck his boot between the door and the doorframe just as is came crashing to collide. “I-I’m sorry, but it hurt me just as it hurt you,” he stuttered.

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