14.) Somebody Really Social?? Say WHAT?!

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And so... The story continues :)


Austria’s P.O.V


Hungary is watching that movie again… After the fifth time. That song is getting stuck in my head and she is singing it in Hungarian. ‘Let it go, Let it go, Can’t Listen To This Anymore,’ is my favourite version.

“Austria, Oy, Austria,” Switzerland was trying to take me away from my thoughts. How rude… “Do I need to save you from your mind too?” He began to snap his fingers impatiently.

I took a sip of my oolong tea that China so kindly threw at me. “I vas spacing out, it is true. I am just vorried about Miss. Hungary is all. She is acting so distant from me, for zhe past three days,” I confessed to the irritating country. Why was he even here anyway?

Switzerland blinked a couple of times, almost as if he was surprised and didn’t know what to say. “Really? But you two seem so close,” he murmured.

“I know, zhat is vhat is confusing me. Ever since ve ran into Prussia sings have been a mess!” he spat, taking several takes of his tea like flash rounds.

I could see that Switzerland turned very serious as he muttered, “Well, it isn’t like you two are lovers or anything. The marriage between you two are beneficial and she never once called you ‘honey’ or ‘love’. So, what do you expect?” I didn’t respect the fact that he brought that to my attention, even though I understood that.

With a grunt I just remained silent. “Austria, you don’t think she could have a tiny crush on Prussia, do you?” Switzerland asked me curiously. “It isn’t impossible.”

“Yes, it is,” I finally shot back at him as soon a he had finished. “She’s never liked Prussia and neither have I.”

I could see the blondey smirking at what I had said, though he didn’t seem to want to talk back. That’s a first! We had remained silent for the next half our, glaring at each others as we kept pouring more cups of hot tea.


Liechtenstein’s P.O.V

#She’sSoCute! T^T

I was listening to my dear friend, Hungary, as she was telling me about how annoying Austria and Prussia are together. I had never heard her talk about them like that before. It was very sad for me because I thought that they were all good friends, despite their differences.

*Sigh*… What can I do!


France’s P.O.V

#JustForLOLZ xD

I was peering through the window of Austria’s house. My eyes had caught the sights of two incredibly cute filles (A/N: This means ‘Girls’ in French) talking to each other. As I squinted my eyes to get a better look at them I see that it is my darling, Elizabeta, with Switzerland’s little dolly, Lily. How cuuuuutttttteeeee~

I think I am going to watch for a little while longer… OHONHONHONHONHON~~~


Prussia’s P.O.V


After that whole deal at ‘World’s Village’ everything was slowly getting back to normal. Canada was taking me out everyday, respecting my rules and times to pick me up! I wasn’t rude to him either… Well, not too rude anyway.

This morning I heard a knocking at the door. I knew who it was going to be and as I opened the door, there he was. “Good afternoon, Mr. Prussia,” he greeted me kindly… and quietly.

“Wassup, loser!” I answered him with a laugh.

His eyebrows furrowed and he then cleared his throat, pushing away what I had just said. “S-So, anyways,” Canada went on. “I wanted to take you somewhere I haven’t even gone to for a while. This person is the most social person that I know and he could give you, and maybe even me, a few tips.”

I was actually pretty curious. I mean, Canada knows somebody? That’s a first… Also, give us tips? Man, this guys must be really good at what he does for Canada to be semi-praising him like that. “I vould like to meet zhis guy. For zhe first time in a vhile, I am actually very interested,” I sneered and followed Canada out of the door eagerly.

As we were in his car I began to feel this prickling on the back of my neck. This neighbourhood seemed awfully familiar and I couldn’t put my finger on it. As we pulled into this strange driveway I saw this huge mansion that was probably twice the size of Brad Pitt’s house. The sensation of nervousness and unease did not leave me as we walked up to the front door.

Canada knocked on the hard wood really loudly. I was really tense and wouldn’t move as I heard footsteps rushing over towards us. When the door opened I heard a loud and happy holler, “What’s up, my man! Dude, I had no idea that you were comin’ over today!”

I almost fell back. JESUS CHRIST! AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hdskfhselehrtghegirughkqjherg


Hope you liked this chapter!

Sorry fi it seemed like there was some filler in there... tbh, there was xD

But only with France and Liechtenstein, because i thought that they don't have enough screen time in this story :D

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