30.) Close Call

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Well, if this isn't a short chapter, then I dunno what is!!

I hope you enjoy it :)


Hungary’s P.O.V

Prussia had just walked me back from dinner and it was time to say good-bye to him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I quickly ran back to the estate before Austria could catch me and before Prussia could see the red blush cross my cheeks.

I opened the front door quietly and I was surprised to see that Austria wasn’t there waiting for me like he normally did. Where could he possibly be? It was too early to sleep. Well, in any case, consider it my lucky day. I started rushing up the stairs as lightly as I could. I quickly closed my door and with a sigh I sat back on my bed like nothing had even happened.

Moving my foot just slightly I felt a heavier presence slide across the hardwood floor. I raised one eyebrow quizzically and brought myself to look down at the item. “M-My diary?” I whispered in astonishment. I picked up the lavender coloured book and my eyes widened in shock. Shoot! This is what I forgot about before the date had started. I didn’t conceal it!

The lock had been ripped open, or so it appeared. I felt my heart stop and then I frowned. My gaze slid to the right corners of my narrowed eyes, glaring at the door’s direction. Austria couldn’t have possibly broken it. Impossible. Even when he goes delusional he knows self-restraint. I closed the book and slid it into my pillowcase. I am just over thinking things. It probably fell from the side table and snapped open. It was a really weak lock anyway.

I cautiously opened my bedroom door. There was just a still silence in the air and a tension… I don’t understand it. My thoughts of worry and concern were interrupted when I could hear muttering and lots of odd clanking noises coming from Rodereich’s Map Room. I slid over till I was outside of the door and brought up all of my courage to open the barrier between us.

Very briefly I saw him placing some chess pieces on a large map of the world, but he sense me come in. Almost as if he was expecting my presence, he smacked the chess pieces to the wall and rolled up the map without fail. He turned on his heel and leaned on the table behind him. “Velcome home, Elizabeta. Vhat brings you to my quarters?” he questioned me curiously, tilting his head to the side as if he was an innocent puppy. This is quite suspicious.

Giving my best smile I shook my head and lied, “Oh, nothing much. I’ve just noticed that we haven’t talked in a while. I was wondering if you were all right.” That couldn’t have been more of the opposite. I was enjoying the sudden space that kept us apart. It was really refreshing and I feel bad for thinking it.

“Yes, you’re right. Sings haven’t been zhe same between us and I vonder why…” he trailed off a bit as he said that, pausing for a brief moment. “In any case, you shouldn’t vorry about me.” I furrowed my brows. Just what is he up to now?

He gave a quick smirk, throwing the map behind the desk where I couldn’t see it any longer. The sly Austrian took a couple of steps forward and drew his fingers under my chin and said to me kindly, “Don’t look so frightened. It’s so not like you, Miss Hungary.”

F-Frightened… Me?  Did I really look scared of him? If so then that wasn’t my intention at all. Suspicious? Yes, but afraid? “Do I come across like that? I think I’m just tired,” I said to him, faking a yawn as I flinched away from the sudden contact between us.

“You should be getting to bed now. I’ll be up for a vhile,” he said motioning me back towards the hall where I came. As soon as I left the room, the door was shut in on my face. Just what the hell is going on?

Austria’s P.O.V

Uhh… That was close. I grabbed the map and picked up the chess pieces that scattered across the hardwood ground. My plans would’ve surely been screwed up if she saw what I was doing. I’ll let her shenanigans continue for now, but not at all for long.

I rolled out the large map and sectioned in on Eastern Germany. I placed the chess pieces back on the geographical documents and was reading up on Prussia’s battle skills. It’s so predictable and out there. How did I ever loose to such a fool? He’ll regret it though… I promise him that much.


Haha, he is so uncharacteristically diobolical that I have no idea where I got it from. He is so... OOC? <-- I have no idea if that is the right word or not :p

Hope you liked it and until next time,

Adieu~ ;)

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