Chapter 2

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Allisons pov
I woke up and made coffee then I watched Netflix on my lap top cause the tv wasn't plugged in yet o heard a knock on the door I went to answer I opened it and saw Scott holding flowers and chocolate
"Awe thanks baby" I said kissing his cheek
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I was being stupid and not thinking about you of course I would want to have babies with you and I wouldn't leave you because of it I'm sorry" he said our foreheads touching
"I know I'm sorry I got so sensitive it was stupid" I said
"Come in" I said
"You want me to make you breakfast" he said grabbing eggs and butter and bacon out of the fridge
"Yeah omelet" I asked
"Sure thing" he said
"I'm going to take a shower" I said
"Wait you didn't prove that you forgive me" he said
"Okay fine" I said kissing him
"Thank you" he said then slapping my butt
"Hey only if your lucky" I said
"Yeah well hopefully after breakfast I will be getting lucky" he said
"No probably not" I said
"Fine" he said
Scotts pov
I finish her omelet put it on the counter when Lydia came out oh did you make me a omelet
"No I made it for Allison I made you French toast" I said
"Thanks bud where is she" Lydia asked
"Shower" I said
" oh cool well I gotta go meet stiles" she said
"Oh what are y'all doing" I asked
"We are having sex" she said
"Seriously" I said
"No dumbass like I would tell you when we have sex" she said laughing
"Bye" I said finally Allison got out
"Hey it's ready" I said
"Where's Lydia" she asked
"With stiles" I said
"Oh cool you want to plug in my tv and watch a movie" she said
"Yeah let's start it up" I said
"Cool wait" she said as we walked over to the couch but I stopped him and took off his shirt
"Just in case we get bored with the movie" she said bringing me to the couch
"I hope we get bored" I said as I plugged in the tv started the movie and sat on the couch and Allison laid on my chest she was rubbing her hand up and down from my chest to my abs
We were watching friends with Benefits
"Why can't we just be friends with benefits" I asked
"Cause it's supposed to have no emotion and unfortunately you have a lot of emotions so it won't work and one of us would end up breaking plus your just saying that cause you want to have sex" she said
"True" I said she checked the time on her watch
"Oh crap I have a job interview at 10 and it's already 8:30" she said
"Do I have to go" I said
"No not until I leave" she said going to her bed room
I walked in she had outfits picked out on her bed I came behind her and kissed her neck
"What outfit do you like" she asked one was a long professional dress and the other one was a long nice skirt and a white vneck and sandals that could go with either one of the outfits
"Where are you applying at" I asked
"Victoria Secrets" she said taking off her shirt and pants
"Ooo need some sex to get you threw the interview" I said laying back on her bed
"No" she said wearing the dress
"But I need you to zip me up" she said holding her dress till I got up
"You look great" I said kissing her lips
"Thanks if I get the job we can have sex when I get back" she said putting on her shoes
"What if you don't get the job" I asked
"We are still having sex" she said
"Okay so I win either way" I said she instantly punched my arm
"I'm just kidding your going to do great" I said
"I'm really nervous" she said
"I need a kiss" she said grabbing my face and kissing me adding tongue
"Okay that should hold me over" she said
I laughed "I need to go back to my dorm and unpack" I said
" okay" she said walking me to the door
"I love you and good luck" I said holding her hand
"Thank you I love you too" she said kissing me one more time

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