Chapter 5

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Scotts pov
I woke up to a banging sound on my door I got up and opened it Derek was there and had blood all over himself
"What the hell happened" I asked bringing him inside
"I was attacked" he said
"By what" I said
"La bèté de gevadan" he said
"What the hell is that" I said
"The beast" he said
"Did you take a picture" I said
"Yeah here" he said falling asleep on my couch
"Omg it's twice your size" I said but he was already asleep
2 hours later
I moved Derek to my room where I blew up a spare mattress I was watching tv when someone knocked on my door
"Hey" I said seeing Allison who looked kinda pissed
"Okay you haven't texted or called all day and I'm was just wondering why haven't you been calling me and why have you been blocking me out and I feel like you are doing it cause we got engaged and I don't want you to think we have to get married and that this is what I want I don't want to get married unless you do too" she said taking off the engagement ring and putting it on the counter I started laughing
"Why are you laughing at me? I don't like you laughing at me" she said crossing her arms
"Allison I'm sorry Derek is here he was attacked by something called the beast and he's sleeping in my room and of course I want to get married and yes I was mad last night cause I feel like you don't want to move in with me and I'm sorry for laughing your just so sexy when your worked up like this" I said kissing her lips
She chuckled
"Here put this back on" I said putting the ring back on her finger
"I'm sorry about last night" she said
"Me too" I said with my hands on her hips
"I do want to move in with you but we have to wait till next semester that's the rules" she said
"When have you never known me to follow the rules" I said
"Well this isn't high school you have to follow the rules in college" she said going to sit on the couch I followed behind her
"So this beast how big is it" she asked I showed her the picture
"That's a werewolf" she asked
"Yup and its in beacon hills and since Christmas break is coming up in going home are you coming home too" I asked
"No I don't have a place to stay" she said
"Where's your dad" I said
"He's in France he lives their and he couldn't get a flight home so I was actually going to go to France which is why I came here also to talk about yesterday" she said
"Um I really don't want you to go but if I tell you not to go I would be telling you not to be with your father on Christmas and since break for us is 2 weeks that wouldn't be fair and if I tell you to stay I'm being selfish so I don't really know what to say" I said holding her hands
"Yeah I want to stay and have Christmas with your family but I want to be with my family too so I don't know what to do" she said
"Okay well there's FaceTime and calling and emails so you are going to go to France and I know we aren't spending our first Christmas together engaged but it doesn't mean I don't love you cause I do and plus when you get back we can have great sex" I said she started laughing
"I love you too" she said kissing me I kissed her back hard I laid her back on the couch I started kissing her neck
"Scott Derek's in the other room he could walk in on us" she said I'm still kissing her neck
"I gave him so medicine for the pain he should sleep for 3 hours" I said taking off her shirt kissing her stomach down to her waist line then I unbuttoned her pants I started to go down on her and that's when she started mummbling
"Scott please it's....we're gonna...... Oh my god"I was down on her she started to scream my name she soon came
She let out a big breath
"My turn" I said going up to her seeing her asleep
3 Weeks later
Everyone is leaving for Christmas and I'm packing when Allison comes into my room bringing her luggage she jumps onto my body so I'm holding her and she kisses me hard and passionately
"Please I don't want to leave" she said me still holding her
"Allison it's just 2 weeks you'll be fine" I said
"No they are giving us an extra week cause everyone did good on the finals so I won't see you for 3 weeks" she said as I was still holding her she had tears running down her face I wiped them
"This is our first Christmas engaged and we aren't going to be together" she said hitting my chest
"Because my dad had to move to freaked France cause it's beautiful and it's not dangerous" she said getting down about to walk away
"Hey come here" I said pulling her back in for a kiss picking her up so her legs were around my waist our tongues touched she pulled away
"This isn't making me feel better" she said
"Baby I'm sorry how about I take you to the airport"I said
"Okay" she said wiping he tears
"Stop crying" I said laughing
"Can we have sex first" she said
"We have to leave in 5 minutes as much as I want to we can't" I said
"Fine make out for five minutes" she said I grabbed her face and kissed her we made out for 5 minutes she even at one point kissed my neck gave me a hickey
"Let's go"I said grabbing her suitcase
We were driving when my phone started ringing it was my mom
"Hey mom what's up" I said
"Can you pick up an air mattress there's going to be an extra person staying with us" she said sounding nervous
"Who" I asked suspiciously
"Your father" she said
"WHAT" I yelled stopping the car and pulling over
"No no no I'm not coming mom don't let him come" I said Allison looked at me worried
"What's wrong" she asked
"My mom invited my dad to come to Christmas
"Oh that's great" she said I looked at her with a mean look
"Sorry?" She said
"Okay mom I'm taking Allison to the airport and I'm going to go to France with her" I said
"No honey please I thought you were good with your dad" she said I pulled back on to the street and started driving
"When I told him me and Allison were engaged he told me I could do better then he said oh no wait she could do better you want to know why he said that cause he was drunk" I said
"Okay honey he wants to apologize" she said
"Fine I'll be there by" I said I threw my phone in the back seat and slammed my hand on the wheel
"Damn it" I said Allison winced
"So I'm guessing your not in the Christmas spirit" she said
"Allison" I said growling
"Scott come on don't be mean" she said
"He said I could do better" I said
"Then he said I could do better" she said
"Can you stop joking for 10 minutes" I said
"No cause your being ridiculous he's your dad" she said
We made it to the airport I'm still pissed I parked and we walked hand in hand to her plane
"You still mad" she asked
"I don't know" I said rubbing my hands threw my hair
"You are cause you always run your hands threw your hair when your mad" she said smiling
"FLIGHT 270 is now boarding to France" the announcer said
"That's me" she said
"I better go" she said hugging me kissing my cheek
"Okay I love you FaceTime me when you get there okay" I said before kissing her lips
"I will I love you too this is gonna suck" she said
We kissed again
"Bye love you baby" she said
"Love you too" I said

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