Chapter 9

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Allison pov
I woke up to see Scott still sleeping I was taking him to a doctor today around 10:15 it's only 9:30 I should get him up I ran my hand threw his hair
"Scott honey wake up"I said he finally woke up
"I'm up my head hurts like hell did we drink last night" he asked
"No you have a concussion from the beast and fainting and everything so I'm taking you to the doctor for your concussion" I said getting dressed
"I don't need to go to the doctor I'll heal" he said
"Yes you do Scott you can't heal from a concussion" I said
"I don't need a doctor I just need you to be safe" he said I walked over to him and helped him up
"But I need you to be okay and we wouldn't know unless we go see a doctor about your concussion" I said
"Fine I'll go for you" he said
"By the way when were you going to tell me about the big bleeding hole in your stomach"I said
"Actually I wasn't" he said
"Why"I said
"Cause I knew you would start an argument or be mad" he said
"I just want us to be honest with each other" I said
"I know I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said kissing my hand
"When we get married are you still going to hide things from me" I said
"No I won't I just want to keep you safe" he said
"I can take care of myself" I said he leaned in and kissed me
"Where you never going to tell me that you are scared to live with me cause we I get angry I have trouble staying normal" he said
"Actually yes after you and me moved in" I said
"Oh look it's 10 we should go" I said
"Scott McCall"the nurse said
"You can just go into room 207" she said
The doctor came in 2 minutes later
"Hi Mr.mccall Mrs.mccall" she said
"Oh she's not Mrs. Yet" he said showing the ring to her
"Oh congrats" she said
"Let's check your head" she said checking the back
"Okay looks like you have a concussion I'm going to ask you to take some medicine for it the swelling in your head should go down in a few weeks" she said
"Okay here you go" she said giving us a paper
"Thanks" I said
After we went to the store we went home i packed up my stuff cause we are moving next month and then we went to Scott's house and we packed his stuff I got tired and laid on the couch when Scott came in and sat on the chair
"I'm so tired" I said
"Me too how about we take a little nap" he said helping me up off the couch
"Do you mean a little nap" I said moving my eyebrow up and down
"Or a nap"I said
"I don't know we will know when we are in bed come on" he said
"Okay" we went into his bed room I laid down he took off his shirt and laid next to me
I wrapped my arms around his stomach
"Would you think I'm crazy if I said I miss beacon hills" he said
"No I miss it too" I said
"I just I miss my mom" he said
"It's okay just think in a year we will be married" I said

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