It Was Wrong All Along

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Minding my business,

As I sat on the corner table,

Sipping on a coffee.

A familiar voice surfaced around,

All I could do was Skip a beat.

I know its you,

It's the way you say it,

The way you say my name,

Its the softness you include,

Makes me feel vulnerable now.

Rewinding every time we had,

It was just like a movie,

It was just like a song.

You did what you should,

I did what I could,

Yet still you'll be the charm I need.

Turn around to see your face,

Same smile, same eyes,

And yet the same silence.

You look mature, as you should,

You look happy, as I could guess.

Don't get me wrong I know,

I'm not falling for it,

Unlike a movie, unlike a song,

So please stop asking,

I can't face my breaking heart again.

I've learnt it thru the years,

To not to face it the next time,

I didn't know how vicious you were,

How you were a crime,

Now that I know it all,

I'm not committing you again.

Cause its not like a movie,

Its not like a song.

And now I know,

it was wrong all along.

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