Flash A Light

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Is it too dark? flash a light.

Just find me, don't flash a light.

As I was on the tip of realization,

I look around in search of your hint,

Its a dark night, just stop right there.

Its too dark, so flash a light.

I look around, chase your footsteps.

And when i see you, i follow you around,

Walk, hide, follow your shadow,

I am not afraid of anything.

I will follow you to end of the atlas,

I will follow you to the moon and back.

Follow you in silent lanes,

Follow you beneath the screaming ocean,

Follow to the highs of skys,

Follow you, accompany you,

Till you find me curled up in the darkness,

Darkness that you walked along,

Darkness that followed you.

Then maybe we could flash a light.

Maybe we could see the light at last.

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