A Dreem

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(Chara POV)

"You're WHAT!?" (Y/n) said.

"I'm staying here with you! I mean, you are the one who is helping me be good, right? And Frisk is just down the street a small ways," I said. I hated to admit it, but I kinda liked Frisk. I doubted they felt the same though. They were the ones that drove me into this wanting to change! Their kind heart is something I've admired for a long time, but recently, I started liking more and more about them. Their innocent smile, childish personality, creative mind...determination to save everyone. Now they want to save me! The one that possessed them and made them murder everything in sight countless times!

I guess that's what makes them special. No matter how much pain and hurt you send Frisk through, they come out smiling wanting only the best for the one who caused it.

After dinner, I managed to get a high five from Sans! I was elated! I could tell he was still going to be watchful of me, but it was okay. He was starting to see me for who I really am!

"I'm going to bed guys. Night!" I said. (Y/n) stood up and hugged me. I was surprised, but I let her hug me. It felt so good to have someone hug me again.

"Good night Chara. I'll be up there to tuck you in soon," she said. I smiled and went upstairs to my room, using teleportation. I jumped onto the bed after getting into my PJ's. It was a black onesie with the different colored souls scattered on it.

A few minutes later, (y/n) came to my room. I didn't realize I was so tired until she walked in. Her presence made me feel so safe and relaxed. I yawned as she stepped over to me. I smiled wide when she sat down beside me.

"Good night Chara. I'll see you in the morning," she said. I yawned again, not thinking of what I was saying.

"Good night, mom," I said. I shut my eyes then. I could sense (y/n) had chuckled a bit before pecking my forehead and walking out, making sure to turn out the light as she did so. She shut my door, leaving me to sleep. I eventually fell asleep.

"Greetings, Chara!" Someone said to me. I looked around and saw a small pasty white child with a light rose dusted on their cheeks. Her smile was nothing short of creepy! The only problem was that she was me! The old me.

"Haha! Don't you remember me? All the fun! The screams, the dust, the LV, EXP! All our work, and for what?" She continued.

"I...I...no! No! I'm not letting myself slip into genocide again!" I screamed. I tried to wake myself up.

"You must have misunderstood me...since when-" the ground shook. I was waking up. Bingo!

"Buh bye, evil!" I said, waving a little before the dream world vanished.

(Before you tell me the part title is spelled wrong, I know it is..Dreem...Dreemurr...jokes...no? I'll walk myself out...)

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