Chapter 7

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I was taking my nap,but suddenly my phone rang and i quickly grab it and answer


H:Hi Astrid

A:Hiccup?is that you?, did you get my number?

H:It's a long story,anyway can i come to your house and spend time with you?

A:Uhm i dont know Hiccup i mean the last time you came here weird things happens

H:What?,what do you mean weird things happened?

A:Ah,what i mean its weird when your here hehehe

I go to my picture frame where there's a dark tree and suddenly Heather showed in the frame again!!!

H:uh,Astrid hello?are you still in there?

A:what uhm yeah,yeah im still here listen i got to go Hiccup

H:ok bye


I said and end the call whew that was close *sigh*Heather again ahhh why is she keep bothering me?

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Today I'm going to surprise Astrid,I'm going to her house and talk to her i don't know why am i doing this but its kind of a little weird and good.

I get my car keys and get out from my room and get downstairs "Hey!!!where you going?" Jack said "I'm going to the mall,yeah mall"i lied "Mall?,why?"Elsa asked "uhm,you know buy things" i said "ok,be careful while your driving k?" I nod and exit thank God i got away so fast.


So here i am front of the door im going to do it,i press the door bell and it rang and Astrid open it.

"What the...Hiccup?,what did i say to you in the phone?,didn't i tell you?, don't come here" she said "Yeah,Yeah,shhhh,i know what you said,so i can i pls come in?" I said "You,your shushing me?,oh thats it you can't come" "what no,pls sorry Astrid promise i will never shushing you again and promise our time will never going to be an awkward i promise"i said.

"Ok,ok you can come in"she said and i came in "So,Astrid you live here alone?" I asked "uh,yeah,why?" She said "Oh,nothing it's because you are always alone in here"i said "uh,by the way,why do you want to spend time with me?"she asked "nothing i just...oh look you have a neighbor boy!!!"i said.

Astrid's P.O.V.

"Nothing i just...oh look you have a neighbor boy!!!" Hiccup said i turn my head and i saw a boy,wait thats not a normal boy its..its...its a ghost!!!.

"Hey c'mon lets go say Hi to him"Hiccup add "uhm,Hiccup i think you should go"i said " Astrid,there it is again" "what?,what do you mean?"i asked "well your ruining the good moment,so can we just say Hi to the boy just for a minute, pls"he made a puppy eyes god couldn't resist those.

"Ok,but only for 5 minutes,k?" And he nod when we see the backyard the boy is gone BTW i have a glass door and we can see the backyard.

"What the...wheres the boy?"Hiccup asked "uhm"and we heard a laughter in the kitchen "i think hes in the kitchen,so you better go your time is up"i said "uh,what no"he said "Ok,Im going bye Astrid!!!!"he add and drag me to the kitchen.

"What do you think your doing?!!!"i asked but whisper "shhh,were going to say Hi to him,i won't give up"he said "shhh,Astrid he's coming"he said chuckling and the boy came out from the refrigerator "HI WHAT'S YOUR NAME BABY!!!!!"Hiccup shout and and the boy run like a wind.

"What the heck!!,did you see that he's fast like wind!!"he said "yeah i see,so now you say Hi to him,maybe you should go?"i said "Yeah ok,alright maybe my friends are looking for me"he said and i follow him "ha,that was fun Astrid i wish we could be like this all the time"he said "Yeah me too"i smile at him "thats it girl your smiling,who knows your so beautiful when you smile, you should smile all the time"he said and i blush.

"Uhm,Hiccup i think you should go now k?" "Yeah,i think i should bye Ast,see you tomorrow"he said and get outside "bye"i said and i close the door and jump on the sofa with a happy face.

I don't know how he does that making my heart beat so fast but its good.

Good God do you think I'm inlove with him?

Hello readers sorry for the late update cause there's so many projects and i also have to study cause its about to exam and i also help my mother with some stuff so so very sorry i hope you'll understand.

Bye fellow,amazing, lovely readers!!!!!

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