Chapter 8

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

That was really weird i mean i cant believe it with my own two eyes with what i just saw the boy is fast as wind,but who cares i just made Astrid smile.Yessss

I enter my house and i saw a note on the table and i open and read it....

Im out for two weeks for a meeting sorry i didn't told you earlier anyway if your hungry,the dinner is on the table i just cook it this afternoon, really sorry son and i hope you'll like what i just cook u.
                       Your Dad,
                        Stoick the Vast.

I fold the note again and put it on top of the table again.

When im done eating i wash the dishes and clean the kitchen then head upstairs and take a shower,i change in pajamas and i turn off the light and hop on the bed and cover my self with the blanket,and close my eyes.

"Ughhh i cant sleep"i said to my self and anyminute i heard a laugh i turn on the lights and there it is again i heard it again.

I go downstairs and suddenly it got black out and i cant see a thing good thing in the kitchen is bright thanks to the moon.

"Hahajajaja"there it is again and its inside of the refrigerator and i open it and it revel the....BOY...
And he quickly jump.

"Hey,how you get here baby?"i asked and came closer to him and he quickly run,Gosh that boy is so fast.

I go to my bedroom and i found him jumping on my bed "Hey!!!"i yell and i quickly grab his hand but failed its like an air.

"Oh My Gosh,wait..wait are you a ghost?"i asked and he nod and left like a bubble.

"Aaaahhhhh"i shout cause his behind my back riding me,"get off,off,off,get off pls"i said run outside.

"Oh My Gosh i cant believe i saw a ghost and the worst part is i shout at him at Astrid's house...wait Astrid"i said to myself and quickly got my phone and dial her number.

I need someone's explanation that this what happening right now is not real.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I was eating my leftover chocolates but i was interrupted by my phone,i look at it and it was Hiccup i quickly answer it.

A:hello,Hiccup?what the heck its in the middle of the night

H:yell later,but hear this your neighbour boy is inside of my house can you come?,quick

A:ok on my way

I turn off my phone and i quickly get my jacket and head outside.


Oh Jesus hes house is so big "pssst Astrid,over here"he shout but whisper "Hey!!!"i said and run to him "oh my gosh its soo cold out here"he said "Duh,of course its cold cause its raining snow,anyway are you ok?"i said to him.

"No not really,one question how did the boy get inside i locked all the doors and the windows?"he asked "can i tell you one thing but pls dont be afraid or shocked" i said "promise,cross my heart i will never ever going to be afraid or shocked."he said.

"Come here,The boy is a ghost"i said in whisper " mean?" He said in shaky voice "Yes" i said and he stand up.

"Ast,u two are friends right?"he said "No,we arent"i said and he hug me "Ast,hold me Im scared"  "what the...i thought your a fighter"i said.

"No im not,can we pls get that boy out of my house?" He begged "of course we can,so c'mon let's get that boy" i said and i drag him inside.




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