A Day to Remember part 1

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January 21st, 2020

A Day to Remember part 1

Jesus Christ, did I actually sleep? Light pours into my bedroom, the deep blue walls are showered by the sun. My watch reads 10:25am, I may have slept for eight hours. That hasn't happen since I was seventeen. My parents would have already left for work, I got out of bed. I haven't had the indulgence of a good night sleep in a long time, it was definitely missed.

Things seem a bit brighter, or maybe I could just see clearly for once. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit on the couch, letting the light shine through the curtains of the large front windows in the living area. I don't even have to make coffee to wake myself up.

I lie on the floor with Cal's head on my stomach, rubbing behind his ears. We both close our eyes and lay together.

Cal stands and walks away from me, I open my eyes and watch his grey and white fur trot on. I reach for the television remote and click it on-

“-ALERT. WE ASK ALL PERSONEL TO STAY INDOORS. RED ALERT. KEEP ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS SHUT AND LOCKED. RED ALERT.” A monotone voice on the television repeats to me. My eyes widen at the sudden sound then I frown, flipping through the channels. All other channels transmit only grey static. What is this, some joke? I flip back to the Alert.

“-INFORMATION WILL BE RELEASED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. RED ALERT-” Cal hurries back to my side. I scratch his head quickly, leaving the repeating message on as I jog away to my bedroom. I snatch my laptop and run back to the living room.

The internet's quiet. A few people are freaking out, many wondering what happened earlier today. I type quickly to a strong opinionated American man name Kevin whom I'd met in an online debate about the rising ocean levels in Japan. We make a good debate team, his factual speech and my strong opinionated mind. He graduated university with a major in Law, but now he was back in school for Economical Sciences. He's educated in many other topics as well, such as biology, physics, psychology, and computer science.

Jasspace- What happened?

Kevinclein- are you insane jas? it's been everywhere, where were you?

Jasspace- I slept. What's going on, Kevin?

Kevinclein- you saw that breaking news thing on global tv yesterday, yeah?

Jasspace- Yeah.

Kevinclein- it spread. it started in brazil yesterday, the disease. in a matter of hours its everywhere its killing people in minutes i don't know what it is i've been researching but no one has survived long enough to figure it out.

Jasspace- Okay, then why are we still alive?

Kevinclein- i think it has something to do with the air i saw my neighbour walk outside and start to the end of his driveway. he picked up his newspaper and started back towards his house but he collapsed before he got there. i tried calling 911 but there was no one there, the line was completely dead

Jasspace- Thanks Kevin, I have some things that I need to do. Stay inside, I'll come back online later.

Kevinclein- careful jas.

Jasspace- When aren't I careful?

I turn off the laptop before he can reply with some snarky remark on how the last time I said that I ended up with two broken fingers and a black eye. On a side note, don't ever attempt to trick a martial arts teachers into a badly planned prank, especially one that consists of buckets of paint, a fake chicken, a trip wire, and rubber gloves. Don't ask.

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