Author's Note

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Okay, so if you haven't read the description, this is story is basically an alternate ending to the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime. I hated the ending. It was too incomplete. I also cried oceans and flipped over a few tables because it was too emotional for me to process.

The story is outlined differently than other one-shots. It's planned so that even though you've been Ed's friend since you were kids, it's not taking place during the process of growing up. If that's confusing, then you'll understand what I mean when you read it. Also, this isn't a very long story so it's separated into parts, not chapters.

Also, I kept a majority of the dialogue the same as it was from the anime in order to make it as close to the real thing as possible. Which means there are MAJOR spoilers if you haven't seen the ending. Watch it before you read this please.

And if you don't listen to me, do not hold me accountable since I warned you.

If you haven't read one-shots before:
___ = your name
(H/C)= hair color
(E/C)= eye color
(F/C)= favorite color

If I missed anything, let me know in the comments.

Enjoy the story! Let me know what you think (especially since this is my first time writing a one-shot book)!

Updates will be on Fridays (probably). :)

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