~ Moving ~

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I stared at my clock while I waited for it to tick. What was that letter for? Who was it from? I couldn't stop thinking about the letter. ME. MOVING. To a new SCHOOL! This can't be I understand I'll miss my friends but on the fifth day of school. I stare at my goodbye gifts and cards. But I really can't believe I'm moving school this early. I wonder who wrote it and why me? I dazed at the clock for minutes until it ringed so I'll get ready for that new school I'm going to. I wonder who'll I meet. There was one minute left. Then it ring. I jump out of bed and open my closet door. I'm not really a fashion person. I decided I will stick with the more causal type of clothes. I grab a blue V-neck top and some jeans. Not much but it would do. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and heard my parents crying from the other room next door. I heard it was a private school and each student will have their own dorm. I pit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth. I comb my hair and left it straight. I was still tried thou. Didn't have enough sleep last night. I walked into the living room and see my parents crying. My mom walked up to me and said. "Sweetie plz take this and don't lose it, it one of ur father and mine memory for u to have, always remember us". Tears came out of my face. I wipe my tears and took the box, which I guess had a gift inside. I looks at the wall and grabbed a cherry charriet poster and tried to sneezed it into my bags. And sneezed the box in too. I took one glace around the house and walks outside the door. Where I saw two guard with black suits and dark shade sunglasses. They ask me if I would take a seat in limo. They opened the door and I walks the limo and they grabbed my bags. I cried a little and stared at my house. I'll miss my home.

To be continue.....
It will return in the next story that will come out soon or later. Enjoy the 1st ep. Thx, for ur waiting and reading


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