~Alone just us two~

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The grass was very green and the flowers were blooming, the day was not so bad. All Akko could think of was how nervous Lotte was but overall her gazed mostly focused on the magical flowers, of how bright they were. Full of colors, blue, red, purple, and especially yellow.  

She just wishes she could maybe use magic to summon a gorgeous flower to blow her friends' mind but what's the point. Akko is unable to impress anyone, her skills are just too low and her magic isn't that strong either. The only thing that can't stop her is her positive mindset, her thoughts and feelings are a way too strong towards magic to make her want to fail. She tries and would never give up no matter the situation. That's was Lotte loves about her. 

She's way too comfortable in her own skin than anyone in the academy will ever be. 

"Hey, Akko. How did you become so self-assured of yourself." Lotte asked politely as her head tilted like a sunflower on a vine. 

"Not sure, but maybe I'm naturally like this. To be honest, I wish I was you, smart, speaks with creatures, and well your magic talent is so much better than mine will ever be." Akko replied kicking the rocks from the ground.

"Akko! Why would you say that? Your magic is just as great as mine." 

"No, it isn't! Just admit it! I'll never be good..." She started to let her hopes down, her tears from his pretty eyes fell down her cheeks making a downcast-ed expression. Akko's eyes weren't filled with joy but with sadness, the sadness of not being like others, the sadness of wanting to be just as great as her role model. 

Lotte just stood there silent biting her lower lip. "I'm sorry you think that way but I don't think you're bad by the way." She responded in a gentle tone letting a hand to Akko. "Come on, maybe you just need to practice a little harder. I can help if you want."

"I guess..."


"Fine... you can help and I will practice harder, to do the impossible!"

"That's the spirit!" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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